Cyberpunk 2077 – Unexpected Maelstrom Vehicle Chase

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During the mission The Prophet’s Song, I managed to get the Maelstrom at the meeting to run me down in their cars. I couldn’t get it to happen again though. Anyone else experience this?


13 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – Unexpected Maelstrom Vehicle Chase”

  1. been experimenting with all driving ai ive found after seeing you're first video, this one is the best i've seen so far. After claires first race i had some guys parked in vehicleson the way out, and if attacked while out of some 'getoutofcar' range, they would chase down to the next "area" and despawn. I'll test this one when i get the chance, those cops you found are super buggy with v out of vehicle but these guys are gunning to shoot you.

  2. Playing cp2077 be like: "So I bugged bunny jumped in my bugged level armor to this truck with bugged NPCs that bugged out of truck and triggered bug with bugged ai using this bugged buggy bug in bug realm."

  3. Had a similar experience with private (non-corpo) security operatives in free roam. They were surprisingly aggressive behind the wheel. However, getting out to follow me into an alley was not programed apparently and so they kept trying to drive the car into the very narrow alley.

  4. Makes sense. CDPR said the AI was behaving oddly dude to multiple bugs. I think this is partly the intended behavior all enemy NPC's have. For some reason though, they're not getting in their cars 90% of the time.


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