Cyberpunk 2077 Traffic AI

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42 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Traffic AI”

  1. I am sorry but I just have to defend this game. If you just take GTA for example you can see that the first game in this series was published 1997. So they had a lot of time to develop that game until their last game came out in 2017. Also these days most companys are build around series. GTA for example is one of those series but also Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty. You take some good parts from the old game and put a few new things into it and that's a lot easier than building something completely new. Also going public is not a good way to develop a good PC games because your shareholders don't care what you produce. As long as they get their money no one cares.

  2. They need to make lists of human behaviour, then implement that into AI, pedestrian AI's behaviour is not that hard, but when it's done it does a great job, I hope they fix the bugs first though, then the AI…And hope for the Traffic stuff to be compleed

  3. Bruh…even in GTA San Andreas (2004) the peds become angry because of a vehicle blocking the way, they even get of the vehicle and sometimes beat your vehicle down with baseball bat and show anger……now that's called game coding…in my opinion..😏😏

  4. I don't even understand why they decided to add cars at all. Like, they has no functions and no thoughts put into it. Games like GTA, Driver, Getaway, Mafia, True Crime has cars because they serve purpose. GTA is designed to be a car chase game since it's accidental inception. Driver is made because it's basically the dev's love letter to 70's movies, the golden era of car chase. Mafia tried something new by creating car handling that's realistic to the era, but also very immersive driving experience. True Crime needs car because it's literally police patrol simulator. The Getaway was inspired by crime cinema and the title itself shows that it is a game about driving. But Cyberpunk? Cars are there just to make things pretty, and they're useless as transportation since the handling sucks balls, I'd rather fast travel. Police chase? Are you joking? Racing? Is it even called racing when the AI itself can't drive but can teleport around you? So…, why is it even there??


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