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#Cyberpunk2077 #LakeshoreRecords #CDProjektRed #Cyberpunk2077Soundtrack #cyberpunksoundtrack #cp2077 #NightCityWire #gamingsoundtrack #videogamemusic
FINALLY I’ve been looking for this
I love it
See you in the big leagues Jack.
This makes me feel like everything will be ok despite sad undertone
The guitar and atmospehre reminds me somehow of the Tristram VIllage's theme from the first Diablo.
Reminds me of Nujabes tbh
The first time i heard that song i know that something wrong is going to happen
Always reminds me of last year's breakout Disco Elysium.
See you in the major leagues Jackie…
I was hoping to be able to kill dex since it would of been satisfying.
Ah, at last I found this!
I love this track, so de-stressing
This song was played to me when I was on my way to the johhny and rogue appointment, after many years, when you never thought that a moment like this would return, with that song in the background it has made me more epic, with more suspense, that feeling of thinking that it is perfect for the moment
song hits different when you first come to your apartment and it's raining outside
This is my favourite track of the whole
I noticed this for he first time when I got the caliburn. Between the music, the almost alien sound of the engine, the sunset reflecting on the gold sheet metal on the windows (!)… really made an impression!
This reminds me of a futuristic coffee shop 🤔
Makes me want to live like a nomad. Drifters with their real home being the road. Maybe I’d go it alone, with a partner, or with several friends. Living life experiencing things on my travels, one destination at a time.
My favourite song in the game, closely followed by their other 2 and the HEALTH one on a different station (plays at the end of Don’t Lose Your Mind if you destroy the core)
This is a great song to sit on the roof of an old apartment bloc with a cigarette late at night, watching city lights pass by. Bonus points if it starts to rain
This was way too hard to find
Man this game's terrible launch depressed the hell out of me.
7 years of anticipation
Its called major leagues not big leagues smh
Whole game sucks to me because Jackie dies, Goro dies, and V doesn't truly win no matter the ending, no matter the life you begin with, no matter your choices, words, or actions or connections.
All the other bad parts of this game, including broken promises, missing content, bugs and glitches, game breaking errors and missions, severely underused or neglected features or sections, unused pieces of the game, false advertising, hard to find content, and so much more, all of that aside, if at least ONE of those TWO people lived to the end or if V got a great ending across the board in at least one ending scenario, just one of those would make this game go down as one of my favorites of all time.
This song makes me burst in tears, and no it's not about Jackie. Something about this song makes it trigger my crying every time I hear it.
Imagine the world coming together like we see in the comment sections of these sensational music soundtracks… everybody try to make the world a better place no matter how big or small it is, we can make it a brighter tomorrow regardless of the hardship we endure, stay strong everyone <3
Add a splash of love.
Heres to you Jackie, the only welles boy who didnt end up in a dumpster.
I'll see you in the majors.
It’s already been said, but tho of course it’s such a shame that this was rushed for the sake for the producers & execs. Adam Smasher ftw!!