Cyberpunk 2077 Somehow Gets WORSE

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As the Cyberpunk 2077 painful launch continues to unfold 35 DAYS later, CD Projekt Red—at this point—should be SCARED of Cyberpunk 2077 as the Cyberpunk 2077 disaster continues to unfold in more ways than ever imagined


38 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Somehow Gets WORSE”

  1. miss another lame live stream, i bet you said the same shit over and over again like a broken record, i been playing cyberpunk 2077 on my base ps4 with no problem, i have not had any game breaking bugs or graphics problem, cyberpunk 2077 is running smooth on my base ps4 so you are wrong again but that nothing new, just bc i like the game does not me aa fanboy of who made it, i know you are a troll it just so sad these clown don't see that

  2. i been playing cyberpunk 2077 every day since it was release and not once ran into any game breaking bugs or any problem finishing a mission since i beat the game 4 times now and seen all the ending you can get so michael does troll is wrong again and he will always will be wrong, i miss the live stream again but he just saying the same shit as in all his video and other live stream so i did not miss anything new

  3. Missed that fcin stream. Bloody Shaym . Keep milking this game it's for the better. Just promise me you'll hate GTA 6 when it's a bad game. Cyberpunk 2077 shouldn't be the new low bar.


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