Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Will Push MORE SOCIAL JUSTICE | Developer Claims They DIDN'T Do Enough BEFORE

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Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Will Push MORE SOCIAL JUSTICE | Developer Claims They DIDN’T Do Enough BEFORE

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29 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Will Push MORE SOCIAL JUSTICE | Developer Claims They DIDN'T Do Enough BEFORE”

  1. sigh Let their next game be the next example of how a game studio with massive success throws it all away with DEI bs. Let it crash like how things did with Suicide Squad.

  2. This is news to nobody that knows how far gone CD Project Red is. After all they are remaking or remastering The Witcher 1 for "modern audiences" . that is why next few games coming from this developer is an easy pass.

  3. Why so surprised? They literally made a video with a guy telling us he's the head of DEI department and that every games will be plagued with that shit from now on.

    They don't care losing money, their big sponsors make sure they are compensated for that.

  4. I KNEW IT!!! The SECOND they signed on to ESG I knew it was over. I almost messed up and went back to buying games from them but I'm glad I didn't now. It's a shame. They had talent and GOG was good. Hard pass now until they drop the BS.

  5. So what… we still have the old game we already paid for and we will not pay for the new one. This is not our livelihood. We dont need this game to sell well to keep our jobs. They do.

  6. When will this bunch realise there is a whole bunch of the world not the US of A and most of it does not have there perceived problems other than having to put up with the trash they peddle

    I mean dear god I am getting sick of this – make a good game – if you need to do your social justice stuff have a USA only version let the rest of us have a decent game

  7. I'm not sure how they will add more "Inclusivity" into a world where removing your genitals and replacing them with subwoofers is considered "vanilla" but I guess we're about to find out.

  8. Cyberpunk 2077 was reviled as a big chunk of wasted potential until Edgerunners shot the interest back up into the stratosphere. Wanna know why? The wokescolds and cancel pigs were telling Studio Trigger to add in modern social issues and cut out Rebecca. They snorted in disgust, said "the loli stays," and made it about that twisted dystopia and the very punk message of dying in a defiant blaze of glory as a middle finger to The Man.

    Putting "The Message" before gameplay, story, and simple functionality is what kills studios these days. If CD Projekt Red doesn't want to slide down the tubes, they better shut up about making some fruity art piece about homelessness in America, and give us something that is actually cyberpunk, not the soy latte sippin' activist with purple hair who has co-opted the punk look while licking every fucking boot that touches ground if it's got a catchy slogan.


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