Cyberpunk 2077 SEQUEL! CDPR Gives Official Update About Sequel and The Witcher 4!

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CD Projekt RED today has given new comments about a Cyberpunk 2077 sequel and The Witcher 4. What are their plans for the next few years? Let’s find out…

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36 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 SEQUEL! CDPR Gives Official Update About Sequel and The Witcher 4!”

  1. Man this would only be done in terrible ways but I think it would be cool if they would keep adding monster contracts like I wish they would’ve went all out and that kinda stuff by adding more missions and making them in new ways. I don’t think there are and MODS that add in more contracts. You know I just want to play as a witcher not the hero saving the world. Naw mean

  2. yeah… its true! its like a lot of people are making A CAMPAINGN against this game! it is disapointing in many ways. but the truth is i got the game on release and it was much worst than it is right now, and still… i had a great experience with it! it could be much better wich i still believe it will, but overall was a very good game. i just expected it to be better. like a lot of people. it dosnt mean its a bad game, its actually the other way around! i keep my expectations up on this one. most of us expected an excelent game, it was not, its very good. it will become excelent i believe. cheers

  3. It's so awesome, that you still bringing the news and the peaces together. The game is not perfect. Still I was surprised, how other Youtubers, who did similar stuf and even vids on the CP lore, just dropped the game like a hot potato after the release.

    keep it up!!!

  4. This isn't really new. They've said for a while they want to start working on two AAA games in parallel with their two major IPs. They're committed to making Cyberpunk a multi-decade franchise.

  5. In the sequel story wise I’d really love them to continue the story of v after the nomad ending and the main theme of it being nomads and make it more of a story driven rpg with cutscenes but not throwing away rpg elements.

  6. CDPR doesn't get to make a sequel until CP2077 is finished. The game is still unfinished and it is not what was promised. Deliver on the hype and then use that as a base for a sequel.

  7. I want 2 get this game, I was going 2 get it at launch but once I found out about how broken it was I held off. I will pick it up when the introduce the ps5 and xbox series update. Hopefully it will finally live up 2 the hype at that point

  8. I had tried to play Cyberpunk back when it launched but I couldn't play it on my Xbox One X do to bugs so I sold it back to GameStop. My wife got it again for me on black Friday after seeing the positive reviews. And I am actually enjoying it now its still a bit buggy but its not as bad as it was on launch week. The game is awesome and I cant wait to see how it ends

  9. Day one on ps4 pro. Don't tell me there was nothing wrong with this game when you purchased it a full year after it's release after multiple updates. The game was crap on consoles and lower end pcs when it launched. People that except this kind of bs from these game companies are why we are getting games that either come out and get abandoned or need a year or more to become what is viable.

  10. Needs to have third person option.. Having such character customization, which I am sure would only be bigger, if a new game was done, makes first person only seem like such a waste.

  11. The issue is the content. There's litterally not enough of it. Features that were promised are missing. Where's the strip clubs, the multitudes of sex, sex shops and so much more that balance with the amount of gore and violence?

    If you read the Cyberpunk book it goes into so much depth and then you play the game. Just saying. 2021 and this is the pinnacle of gaming. sigh

    Sean Murray should be the president of how to unfuckyourself.

  12. hhahaha a sequel how about we tighten up the original plan and fulfill promises cdpr is whack af figures developers would try to make the easy way out by making another game and trying to do it right then fixing their bullshit mistake I’d like my next GEN upgrade before I care about a sequel

  13. Oooff, hearing you say CDPR is making some netflix stuff has me worried a little bit. dont get me wrong i love CDPR and Cyberpunk 2077 but after watching Arcane my criticism of it will be harsh if its not good. Now with that said i do recognize the potential for a kickass netflix show set in the cyberpunk 2077 universe, though im really picky about the art style of animated shows.

  14. A Sequel nah nah, what they need to do is take the Final Fantasy 14 2.0 approach, patch and make the game playable then boom drop Cyberpunk in its intended game state and reset the board, they could use the in game shadow organization they pulled a plug and reset history by mistake or whatever

  15. A sequel? they might as well reboot this shitshow and actually make the game they promissed to do in the first place, as far as I'm concerned, cdpr is now in the same shitlist together with EA, Sony and Ubisoft.

  16. As a brand, Cyberpunk can become a lot more than what currently we have. Imagine if there were people like Ridley Scott provided his expertise, Nolan also, Ramin Djawadi to do the music in the movie. Netflix can build up this to even higher levels than Bladerunner and make it even more of what "Pulp fiction" was to a some generations of that time. The lore in this and potential is beyond awesome.


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