Cyberpunk 2077 Secret – Character Creation

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Johnny Silverhand – Cyberpunk 2077


25 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Secret – Character Creation”

  1. This game has it's problems but everytime I play it I discover something I didn't know before. I went through 4 profiles before knowing there was an us cracks mission. Burning down a yacht was pretty fun.

  2. Guess the text faded away in the end. Beauty may be eternal, but to man it is only beautiful for a short while, a fragment of time in the myriads of fragments which construct art, and emotions, which resonate with one another, like an izomorphism between reality and creativity. It is not just time but also shape that defines beauty, from hourglass-like curves to intricate and complex systems, beyond direct vizual reprezentation, which leads to an overwhelming question: "oh, do not ask, 《what is it?》. Let us go, and make our vizit."

  3. This may sound kind of stupid, but in the character creation I wanted as little cybernetics as possible, and I didn’t know you could take the cybernetics off of your face in the character creation lol


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