Cyberpunk 2077 Sandevistan Vs Berserk – Best Operating Systems Compared In Edgerunners Patch 1.6

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Here gamers I compare the best operating systems in the game letting you work out what is the best cyberware for your build.
Will you go for the almost permanent slow motion effect of the qiant sandevistan mk 4 or will you go for the frantic melee based action of the militech berserk mk 5 with high damage and great health and health regen.
This video weighs up the pros and cons of the best legendary operating systems in the game so you can make the best choice for what your after in your build.
What is the best slow motion cyberware and operating system as well as the best berserk operating system and cyberware plus mods compared in this easy to understand guide.


33 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Sandevistan Vs Berserk – Best Operating Systems Compared In Edgerunners Patch 1.6”

  1. finally started using beserk, and its def easier to use, set it and forget it. im sure it would be a better fit for a tank/assault build, but i usually use a ninja build. double jump on to a roof top, whip throwing knives into poor, unsuspecting victims. i got tired of using quick hacks. love the super hero landing feature, and the bonuses for using beserk.

  2. Sandevistan is great fun, but wouldn't recommend it if you want any kind of challenge. Game is flat out easy mode with it, even if you have bad aim and mediocre gear lol

  3. I dont see the need for these operating systems when with the right perks and items you already get enough slow mo to kill just about anything. Haven't played in a minute but if I recall you can get slowmo on dodge, slowmo on detection, slow mo on aim…

  4. Now this is why I wish we could have a reset for attributes. I hate having to go through Jackie’s death every bloody time I want to try a new build. I live the guy and it breaks my heart every time.

  5. The best operating system just is a netdeck. Sandy and Berserk are both pointless noisemakers in comparison.
    What do these offer? limited survivability after shit hits the fan, what does netdeck do? kill everyone in the building block before shit can hit the fan and convert turrets/cameras and to give you perfect awareness with ping so that it's hard to fail.
    Not only that but you still have sandy in a kerenzikov that once you learn to use is far more of an utility and clutch than running entire operating system and missing out on the ability to deafen, mute and make everyone(thing) take a minute to vomit/stun or just outright suicide/burn/shock anyone looking scavvy dead instantly and "disable cyberware" alone is plain outright rude whenever its relevant… Once all synergies are taken into account, especially with legendary hacks buffing each other to insanity and multitude of skilltress supporting this memery with synergistic skillpoints, both options compared to the netdeck is willingly eating a huge L and then pretending you have an argument to stand on.

    The title is like discussing which 9hp golfcart is better at it when you can just go an get a 1800hp ultracar that can transform into optimus prime instead.

    Applying rule of cool however, i guess they are all equal.

  6. Yeah.. Qiant Sandevistan Mk.4 with legendary heatsinks is too OP. Tried [Don't Fear] The Reaper mission with it using katana and I breezed through the whole mission on hardest difficulty.

  7. Qiant Sandy Mk.4, camo, Satori, Stinger, and Overwatch is my end game equips. I had to install the Silent silencer mod that doesn't make the enemies instantly see you no matter where you are when you killed one of their allies using throw knife or overwatch.

    I think Berserk is better if you wanna go raw damage, it's like a build for tanks who loves charging forward to enemies unlike the Sandevistan that is made to kill enemies or sneak behind enemies as fast as you can without alerting anyone after you kill one of them. Both make you feel like a badass tho.

    Cyberdeck Int build on the other hand makes you feel like a boss where you can just walk around or don't even need to enter the building to quickly dispatch everyone there.

    All-in-all, all builds end up making you look like a badass unless you royally fucked up your stats and perks.

  8. You would do more damage with gorilla arms since you already have to have a high body for the berserk. Heal-on-Kill and Second Heart make you literally unkillable with that build. Also the damage you do is tied to your level vs theirs and you were in Pacifica which has the higher level enemies in them. There are also 5 tiers of enemies and the weak ones have very small HP pools and the elites will usually have sandy's on them and can dodge bullets until you shoot them in the legs or use melee. Also my Satori blade does a base 577 damage, I guess from the crafting tree and the cold shoulder I Have on it. If I put 3 cold shoulders on it instead of one it would do more, but I have an increased attack speed and crit chance mod on there also.

  9. Thanks for making this, before edge runner I was strictly a net runner and never really paid attention to the other two operating systems. Afterwards I tried out the sandy and I don’t think I could pick up a cyberdeck knowing what damage I can unleash with these two hands. However I haven’t tried the berserker and wondered between it and the sandy which would get more bang for my buck. No vids going into the operating systems until you popped this out, thanks again

  10. It's pretty cool that there are lots of options in terms of builds that you can try out. Personally I always preferred the sneaking and using quickhacks. It always felt very rewarding hacking into cameras and taking people out while out of harms way. Ofcourse Legendary Ping was pretty potent as you could just wipe out an entire building without even having to enter it. I believe the latest patch nerfed Legendary Ping though so I'm not sure why they did that yet left pretty much all the other types of builds OP as hell. After all, it's a singleplayer game where you go from a nobody to pretty much a god.

    I also absolutely loved the Widowmaker tech rifle and carried it with me always. It just felt very satisfying for some reason. That and clobbering people to death with that giant pink dildo. 😅

  11. We probably need multiplayer or a much harder hardest difficulty to properly determine the objectively best build but in terms of favourite for me it's got to be Beserk+Cold Blood+Active Camo+Shotguns. Don't get me wrong, Im pretty sure it would get destroyed in multiplayer but the AI do not know how to deal with it. Get yourself a second heart and Bloodswell and they also have to kill you at least twice to put you down for good!


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