Cyberpunk 2077 | RTX 3070 | 3700X | RTX ON/OFF | DLSS | DF Optimized Settings | 4K – 1440p – 1080p

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Recorded with my dedicated RECORDING/STREAMING PC via Capture Card.
This video was directly Captured from my ULTRAWIDE GAMING Monitor OR my OLED 4K HDR GAMING TV.

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00:00 4K – DLSS Quality – RTX ON
00:33 4K – DLSS Balanced – RTX ON
00:58 4K – DLSS Performance – RTX ON
01:23 4K – DLSS Ultra Performance – RTX ON
01:48 4K – NATIVE – RTX ON
02:18 4K – DLSS Quality – RTX OFF
02:41 4K – DLSS Balanced – RTX OFF
03:09 4K – DLSS Performance – RTX OFF
03:33 4K – DLSS Ultra Performance – RTX OFF
04:01 4K – NATIVE – RTX OFF
04:24 1440p – DLSS Quality – RTX ON
04:52 1440p – DLSS Balanced – RTX ON
05:19 1440p – DLSS Performance – RTX ON
05:49 1440p – DLSS Ultra Performance – RTX ON
06:17 1440p – NATIVE – RTX ON
06:50 1440p – DLSS Quality – RTX OFF
07:17 1440p – DLSS Balanced – RTX OFF
07:40 1440p – DLSS Performance – RTX OFF
08:04 1440p – DLSS Ultra Performance – RTX OFF
08:31 1440p – NATIVE – RTX OFF
08:59 1080p – DLSS Quality – RTX ON
09:29 1080p – DLSS Balanced – RTX ON
09:54 1080p – DLSS Performance – RTX ON
10:20 1080p – DLSS Ultra Performance – RTX ON
10:49 1080p – NATIVE – RTX ON
11:14 1080p – DLSS Quality – RTX OFF
11:41 1080p – DLSS Balanced – RTX OFF
12:06 1080p – DLSS Performance – RTX OFF
12:32 1080p – DLSS Ultra Performance – RTX OFF
12:58 1080p – NATIVE – RTX OFF

Standard Optimised Settings

Contact Shadows: On
Improved Facial Lighting Geometry: On
Local Shadow Mesh Quality: High
Local Shadow Quality High
Cascaded Shadows Range: High
Cascaded Shadows Resolution: Medium
Distant Shadows Resolution: High
Volumetric Fog Resolution: 1080p Ultra, 1440p High, 4K Medium
Volumetric Cloud Quality: Medium
Max Dynamic Decals: Ultra
Screen Space Reflections Quality: Low but High if you find the amount of grain distracting.
Subsurface Scattering Quality: High
Ambient Occlusion: Low (there is barely a difference)
Colour Precision: Medium
Mirror Quality: 1080p High. 1440p High, 4K Medium
Level of Detail: High

Recommended Ray Tracing Settings

Ray Traced Reflections: On
Ray Traced Shadows: Off
Ray Traced Lighting: Medium
If that is not enough for you, Turn off reflections – the RT lighting is more important, on balance.

Image Quality Recommendations: 1080p DLSS Quality, 1440p, DLSS Balanced, 4K, DLSS Performance

ALL Credits to the Youtube Channel Digital Foundry for these Settings!





GPU: RTX 3070
CPU: Ryzen 7 3700X
Power Supply:
My Ultrawide Gaming Monitor:
My Office Monitor

OSD: FPS Monitor
Windows 10 64 bit


CPU: 3900X
Capture Card:


Cyberpunk 2077 is a 2020 action role-playing game developed and published by CD Projekt. The story takes place in 2077 at Night City, an open world set in the Cyberpunk universe. Players assume the first-person perspective of a customisable mercenary known as V, who can acquire skills in hacking and machinery with options for melee and ranged combat.


#Cyberpunk2077 #RTX3070 #3700X


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20 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 | RTX 3070 | 3700X | RTX ON/OFF | DLSS | DF Optimized Settings | 4K – 1440p – 1080p”

  1. Please give this video a like & comment to help the youtube algorithm 🙂

    Some people wanted me to test Digital Foundrys Optimized Settings for Cyberpunk 2077.

    The Settings are a bit different for each resolution as they have in their, guide for example: SSR are at High at every resolution, RT Reflections are ON, FOG Resolution at 1080p is set at Ultra/1440p High/4K Medium, Mirror Quality High at 1080p & 1440p but Medium at 4K.

    While running I'm on purpose switching between a CPU demanding area & an area that isn't that CPU demanding, so keep an eye on the GPU & CPU usage.

    ALL Credits to the Youtube Channel Digital Foundry for these Settings!

    Standard Optimised Settings

    Contact Shadows: On

    Improved Facial Lighting Geometry: On

    Local Shadow Mesh Quality: High

    Local Shadow Quality High

    Cascaded Shadows Range: High

    Cascaded Shadows Resolution: Medium

    Distant Shadows Resolution: High

    Volumetric Fog Resolution: 1080p Ultra, 1440p High, 4K Medium

    Volumetric Cloud Quality: Medium

    Max Dynamic Decals: Ultra

    Screen Space Reflections Quality: Low but High if you find the amount of grain distracting.

    Subsurface Scattering Quality: High

    Ambient Occlusion: Low (there is barely a difference)

    Colour Precision: Medium

    Mirror Quality: 1080p High. 1440p High, 4K Medium

    Level of Detail: High

    Recommended Ray Tracing Settings

    Ray Traced Reflections: On

    Ray Traced Shadows: Off

    Ray Traced Lighting: Medium

    If that is not enough for you, Turn off reflections – the RT lighting is more important, on balance.

    Image Quality Recommendations: 1080p DLSS Quality, 1440p, DLSS Balanced, 4K, DLSS Performance

    00:00 4K – DLSS Quality – RTX ON

    00:33 4K – DLSS Balanced – RTX ON

    00:58 4K – DLSS Performance – RTX ON

    01:23 4K – DLSS Ultra Performance – RTX ON

    01:48 4K – NATIVE – RTX ON

    02:18 4K – DLSS Quality – RTX OFF

    02:41 4K – DLSS Balanced – RTX OFF

    03:09 4K – DLSS Performance – RTX OFF

    03:33 4K – DLSS Ultra Performance – RTX OFF

    04:01 4K – NATIVE – RTX OFF

    04:24 1440p – DLSS Quality – RTX ON

    04:52 1440p – DLSS Balanced – RTX ON

    05:19 1440p – DLSS Performance – RTX ON

    05:49 1440p – DLSS Ultra Performance – RTX ON

    06:17 1440p – NATIVE – RTX ON

    06:50 1440p – DLSS Quality – RTX OFF

    07:17 1440p – DLSS Balanced – RTX OFF

    07:40 1440p – DLSS Performance – RTX OFF

    08:04 1440p – DLSS Ultra Performance – RTX OFF

    08:31 1440p – NATIVE – RTX OFF

    08:59 1080p – DLSS Quality – RTX ON

    09:29 1080p – DLSS Balanced – RTX ON

    09:54 1080p – DLSS Performance – RTX ON

    10:20 1080p – DLSS Ultra Performance – RTX ON

    10:49 1080p – NATIVE – RTX ON

    11:14 1080p – DLSS Quality – RTX OFF

    11:41 1080p – DLSS Balanced – RTX OFF

    12:06 1080p – DLSS Performance – RTX OFF

    12:32 1080p – DLSS Ultra Performance – RTX OFF

    12:58 1080p – NATIVE – RTX OFF

  2. Interesting, DF made a great job for the users with their optimized settings. This card is the one that I will buy (hopefully), so your videos are useful for learning the performances to expect.

  3. as for me the owner of the RTX 3090, this game is not playable, I have already reworked the mass of settings and there are still locations where the drops are unacceptable and that I have a 32: 9 monitor and 5120×1440 resolution, playing does not give any pleasure or the image is blurred when the quality is reduced or the game includes a sharp drop in FPS with acceptable image quality. Nvidia sucks.

  4. Request to Jansn Benchmarks: Second, please do Java version of Minecraft (Minecraft: Java Edition) with AMD Ryzen 7 3700X and AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, with RX 6800 XT, RTX 3060 Ti, RTX 3070, and RTX 3080, in 1080p, 1440p, and 4K/2160p. Do it without OptiFine. The version of Java of Minecraft (Minecraft: Java Edition) would be 1.16.4 (Nether Update) and the latest snap-shot, is 20w51a (Caves & Cliffs update). You must also do with i9-10900K and RTX 3090, in 1080p, 1440p, 4K/2160p, and 8K/4320p. The resolution tests (included) would be 3,440 × 1,440 (1440p ultra-wide) and 6,880 × 2,880 (5K/2880p ultra-wide, NVIDIA Dynamic Super Resolution, or DSR), only for i9-10900K and RTX 3090. The render distance would be: 2 chunks, 4 chunks, 6 chunks, 8 chunks, 12 chunks, 16 chunks, 24 chunks, and 32 chunks. All tests must be done with version 1.16.4 ("non-snap-shot", Nether Update) and the latest snap-shot, is 20w51a (Caves & Cliffs update). I've requested these two benchmark tests for you. Good luck, Jansn Benchmarks!

  5. Request to Jansn Benchmarks: First, you have to do Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. Do this with AMD Ryzen 7 3700X and AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, with RX 6800 XT, RTX 3060 Ti, RTX 3070, and RTX 3080, in 1080p, 1440p, and 4K/2,160p, with all render distances.

    You must also do with i9-10900K and RTX 3090, in 1080p, 1440p, 3,440 × 1,440 (1440p ultra-wide), 4K/2160p, 6,880 × 2,880 (5K/2880p ultra-wide, NVIDIA Dynamic Super Resolution, or DSR), and 8K/4320p. Your ultra-wide monitor (including 4x the resolution of your monitor, NVIDIA Dynamic Super Resolution, or DSR) will be only tested for both edition, that is available for Microsoft Windows 10. Test the latest version, please. Do it with vanilla (no ray-trace).

  6. Think the 3070 is slightly faster than a 2080ti, wouldn't be much of a gain for me upgrading from a 2080 super. 3080 should be a 70% gain in cherry picked games and 40% in others if I read reviews right. Wandering if I be better off getting a better CPU with the money. i7700k now, but 4.6 oc. Its tough cause I know most CPUs are not sold out(intel) and GPU's are anyone guess. seeing this video I realize your on 8 threads but AMD. Guess it holds up pretty good for you too.

  7. Am I crazy for thinking that there's no way in hell your game should be so badly optimized that certain areas cause you to turn a corner and get your frame rate literally cut in half , it's so incredibly unstable in certain specific areas of the map that I just avoided going there lol they REALLY need to even out the experience. If the whole game ran at 45 frames no matter what i'd get used to it, when I have a butter smooth experience in half the map and a dog shit experience in pockets of it, it really fuckin sucks.

  8. YOU SIR ARE THE BEES KNEES. Finally. Able to get over 60 fps in this game. I can finally finish it. I wanted to vomit. I was here thinking I got a bunk GPU or CPU somehow where the silicon failed me. Then I expanded the video description 😀 TY!!!!

  9. Most of the other games are okay, but RTX kills this game. Optimization problem or light sources are too many? IMO, this game has really good lighting even without RTX. I will prefer performance I think. I have 3070 too and a 2k monitor.


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