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Cyberpunk 2077 RTX 2070 SUPER Custom Settings 1440p 60fps
Hi this is Cyberpunk 2077 Running on RTX 2070 Super At 1440p Resolution with Custom settings for 1440p 60fps. You need to have a Powerful system to run it in present condition ( Needs optimisation Patches in some areas ) The game will run better if paired with a 3rd or 5th gen Ryzen processor . Also do Note that the game will dip fps in crowded areas because the GPU Usage goes down upto 40% and this needs optimisation from the Developer Side, sadly nothing we can do about it.
My 5950x Reaches later this month so i will Benchmark the game again to see how it performs later with hopefully performance patches coming up soon.
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Recorded with shadowplay ,without recording i get a 5fps boost.
My System :
Ryzen 5 2600x processor :
Cooler Master Hyper 212 LED Cpu Cooler :
32GB RAM DDR4 3200MHz:
RTX 2070 Super 8gb DDR6:
MSI gaming plus B350 :
Corsair VS650 PSU :
Cooler Master H500 ARGB:
Windows 10 Pro x64
Rendered with Sony Vegas Pro 17
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See you in the next video!!
Happy Gaming!!!!
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Hi this is Cyberpunk 2077 Running on RTX 2070 Super At 1440p Resolution with Custom settings for 1440p 60fps ( i play with controller on Driving and Walking / Moving around , mouse for shooting :). You need to have a Powerful system to run it in present condition ( Needs optimisation Patches in some areas ) The game will run better if paired with a 3rd or 5th gen Ryzen processor . Also do Note that the game will dip fps in crowded areas because the GPU Usage goes down upto 40% and this needs optimisation from the Developer Side, sadly nothing we can do about it. and it dips GPU Usage in all systems and that needs to be patched out so if the fps goes down below 60 , its due to GPU Usage Dipping issue .My 5950x Reaches later this month so i will Benchmark the game again to see how it performs later with hopefully performance patches coming up soon.
Also Please leave a Like and Share the Video if this Video was helpful.
Thx I needed this 🙃
glad to see my card is no utter trash with 3000 series around 😀
u think u could share the ingame settings u did?
I have better CPU and lower fps…
Hi, what are your actual menu settings please. I have RTX 2070 Super and Ryzen 3700x
The game runs quite well with scaled back settings while still looking good. But when you get out to certain parts of the city and start driving the enviroments are too taxing in some areas. I dunno if the pixel counts are just too high or if its a CPU limiting issue but regardless of what resolution or settings you choose the part @23:38 always chugs and can get in the mid 40s.
bro you are being too cautious. Toggle most of your medium to high does not hurt your performance at all. Also, you can lower 16x to 8x and open ray tracing. Cyberpunk with and without ray tracing are totally different games in terms of graphic performance.
( From a 2070s 1440p player)
In night city when you driving fps drop 44-60
playable in 4k high without ray tracing
Man thanks to this nothing but 60 fps. Thanks man👍
What is the font are you using for RTSS overlay?
Thanks man this gave me a good basis to start with I get consistent 100-115 fps with ray tracing off and 55-65 with ray tracing on… Now I just gotta figure out what I like better.