Cyberpunk 2077 REVIEW – 10 Months Later

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Cyberpunk 2077 was released 10 months ago and I went back into Night City to see how much has been fixed and changed. Here is my review and what I think about it so far.

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Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 gameplay by Deep:

LastKnownMeal, 2021.


42 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 REVIEW – 10 Months Later”

  1. I enjoyed the game. I don't need real "A.I." just some scripts, for example, better car system, if I left my car on the road, the cars try to go around it. With NPCs, I don't need much, maybe try to find shelter and similar things. (and more open buildings). Oh, and I want that every vendor will be interactive, gossips etc. + my favourite: train system and minigames or a major minigame. This few things would have made the game great. Though I'm not sure it is possible. The life paths I think not fixable, so that will be a problem forever. At least CDPR made a base how games should have look in 2021 (and in the future).

  2. Almost nobody talks about the game anymore, not even a competition for GOTY for some people, and that's sad, what the game could have been but It wasn't due to production…

  3. Glad you brought up Muta's video. CDPR can claim last gen was a problem all they want, but when it comes down to it, their technological infrastructure needed a lot of work, this is evident when you compare CP2077, on a technical level, to other open world games. And when you think about it, they could've chosen to collaborate with other studios to have better implementation of open world systems such as driver/pedestrian AI, asset streaming etc. But pride is something…..

  4. Sorry guys, it may be unpopular to say but I am on my 3rd playthrough and I am having a blast .It surely is not level of a witcher 3 quality and depth of side quest wise but I am having lots of fun …….

  5. They took a legendary tabletop RPG, got its creator on board, had a super motivated team, hyped up fans and they managed to ruin all that into a linear, mediocre Adventure.
    It's a felony in my book. And no, neither them nor the modders will fix this root issue.

  6. Sve mi to govori da su developeri za taj engine koji su koristili ili bez iskustva i znanja ili je engine toliko los za open world da ne moze uopste da se optimizuje za open world. A o tim life paths necu ni da komentarisem uopste, vidlo se da su krenuli sa drugacijim 'story paths' ima par misija gde odluke stvarno uticu, ali kako igra odmice, toga skoro uopste vise nije ni bilo. Bukvalno sam se zaprepastio kad sam vido da su skoro sve ostale skracene i imaju prakticno samo 'one path' do kraja i onda samo na kraju ima nekih razlika.

  7. Great review, love your content.

    The thing that upsets me the most is how short the main story is. Since the story is the redeeming factor in this game, wish we had more.

    I'm really hoping for a "Blood and Wine" size expansion in the future, with an emphasis on lifepath choices and limitations. But maybe that is just wishful thinking.

  8. Thanks for the Cyberpunk content. The game has come a looong way on base PS4. I agree, CP2077's problems start with the company, and I don't think last gen consoles are to blame for bad AI and missing features.

  9. getting Keanu Reeves into Cyberpunk was the worst decision they could make. I think 1st they planned to make the game about cyberpsychosis but then they threw everything away and made it about keanu and revenge on arasaka or something. I dont know man. The game is still installed on my pc but i dont wanna play it. I think they cant fix it. There are to many problems.

  10. Second playthrough on i7 3770 with 2070S, hardly any bugs on 1080p ultra in over 250 hours now
    The game has issues, but I think it's more a question of bad marketing than anything else
    Of course they should have dropped PS n Xbox but then I said the same thing when they downgraded Witcher 3, people seem to have forgotten that. At least in Cyberpunk's case they didn't downgrade it so much, they just couldn't get it to work for everyone in everything.
    Having said that perhaps it's still best they released it anyway, it's not a bad game at all despite all of the above, so at least they have money now to keep working. Also otherwise I don't think we would have seen it 3-4 more years and it would still have been disappointing because it would still be based on those old Witcher type ideas. At least now a sizeable audience has enjoyed it and now we can move on to bug fixes, system improvements and expansions

  11. Second playthrough on i7 3770 with 2070S, hardly any bugs on 1080p ultra in over 250 hours now
    The game has issues, but I think it's more a question of bad marketing than anything else
    Of course they should have dropped PS n Xbox but then I said the same thing when they downgraded Witcher 3, people seem to have forgotten that. At least in Cyberpunk's case they didn't downgrade it so much, they just couldn't get it to work for everyone in everything.
    Having said that perhaps it's still best they released it anyway, it's not a bad game at all despite all of the above, so at least they have money now to keep working. Also otherwise I don't think we would have seen it 3-4 more years and it would still have been disappointing because it would still be based on those old Witcher type ideas. At least now a sizeable audience has enjoyed it and now we can move on to bug fixes, system improvements and expansions

  12. I have just tried to play this game and it feels empty to me non of the npcs feel real. I don’t connect with the world I’m in at all, I do t feel like my actions matter in the game such as if I star t shooting no one cares AI is so stupid. I don’t like v at the moment ether but that just probably me. Witcher 3 sooo muck better.

  13. Playing on the Series S. Traffic is bustling and there are a TON of pedestrians. I'm surprised PC is having an issue with this.

    Runs at a solid 30fps with the normal amount of bugs as any and all Bethesda games. Been playing since day 1 and currently on my 6th playthrough.

    This game rekindled my love for gaming. Since this, Ive beat both The Witcher 2 & 3, and completely fell in love with the developers at CDPR. With time, this game will only get better.

  14. I started playing again a few days back because I was bored, got bored on youtube and saw this saying you posted it 2hours ago, that's just crazy to me. But yeah I play on Xbox One and it's way better then when I played the first day. It improved, but I still hqve weird glitches every now and then. But I can look past it

  15. My ps4 experience day one was nothing like what I have seen here on YouTube I’m not sure why, at most I only had one quest I couldn’t complete and there were a few minor visual bugs like a gun sticking out a face which I only saw once and a hand full of characters t posing which always made me laugh also I almost forgot the game did crash maybe 6 to 8 times but I’ve never played a game that didn’t

  16. Mods have fixed this game on PC (somewhat). It's so amazing with the right mods installed! Still, some of the core issues can't be fixed so simply, but mods basically turned it into a dream game for me.
    They improve the police, vehicle handling, combat balancing, adds a bunch of rpg systems (that we all wanted before) and more!

  17. I’ll try to keep this short, my issue with the game was never about the bugs. Bugs always suck and are always to be expected because no game is perfect, but those get worked on overtime. Of course the bug situation and glitches and issues with cyber punk were atrocious but that ties into my point here.

    My issue with this game was that the company made two different games. There was the originally intended game that was labeled as a single player open world RPG, and then in 2018 there was the game we have now which was re-labeled as a single player open world action adventure story. There is mountains of evidence with the pattern where are you can see the original cyberpunk 2077 RPG being scrapped for the current Johnny silver hand linear action adventure game. The focus and direction had a abrupt and 180 pivot in the year of 2018. Witcher3 developers left the project before and during this cyber punk transition because they did not like the direction that leader ship was taking the project. What they were doing, they didn’t agree with. People talk about cut content all the time, it’s not cut content… It is further evidence of a intended game that was scrapped and no longer exist. The “cut content” is the original RPG that was intended but then removed. Now you can argue semantics and technicalities when it comes to a RPG game and I action adventure game. For technicalities sake there are some similarities there… But there is a reason that a game is labeled specifically as an RPG… Or is labeled specifically as a action adventure game. The focuses and the framework and the direction and the implementation and the executions are different from each other. Dare I say night and day. This is something that CD PR leader ship to my knowledge has not been held accountable for. It’s widely known but they have not had to apologize or answer for creating the Mike Pondsmith influenced cyber punk RPG and then scrapping that to go in a different direction with their high profile actor , keanu Reeves ( which is in no way shape or form his fault, I love the man to death as we all do and very much want him involved with this project but leader ship decisions in executing his involvement were horribly horrendously wrong) transforming it into a linear action adventure game about the main protagonist Johnny silver hand. In the original RPG version, Johnny was a past hero and someone amongst many others that you chose to play a influence in your life path and character customization background options. In this linear Johnny’s silver hand action adventure game, Johnny is the main character and protagonist of the game/story and your role is irrelevant to that main narrative and focus. And you are constantly reminded of this throughout the world and story that everything revolves around the culmination of bringing a end to Johnny story… In which case the game is then over which ever handful of endings for Johnny you choose.

    The focus shift was One of the biggest mistakes leader ship made. When you play the Witcher series and specifically Witcher three, you instantaneously can tell where the focus and care is put. It’s all about the world, the lore, The characters and inhabitants, the environment, the multitude of countless stories that are interwoven in this world, the choices that you make that affect these environments and characters and stories,… It’s the immersion. When you play the current Johnny silver hand action adventure game, it is quite evident in the tutorial where the focus and care has been put. Where the emphasis for the game has been put. And in this current version the world, the lore, The characters, the multitude of stories, the environment,… They all take a backseat to the main focus and emphasis of the game which is the character Johnny silver hand/Reeves. The world itself and the stories inside the world are all secondary, you playing as V are also secondary in comparison to Johnny. Everything is focused on this linear short story with Johnny. And it breaks in a jarring way the number one thing you want to have with a RPG… Immersion.

    Lastly I do not think this Johnny silver hand action adventure 2077 game is necessarily bad. It’s a fine game for what it is being a action adventure game. Granted it’s not finished which makes sense because it was rushed out the door and only had a year and a half development when it began in 2018 for the most part. So I’m not expecting a finished product of this Johnny silver hand action adventure 2077 game until sometime late next year. But liking or disliking the game isn’t the issue, it’s the expectation of a RPG company that has only ever made RPG‘s for the past 20+ years that has led to a great and successful framework with the culmination of that focus and passion with Witcher three. They continued with that foundation and framework from that success with their talks with Mike and beginning the cyber punk RPG project that you could see evidence for not just in articles and information that was dropped as the years progress but eventually with what they revealed in a 48 minute demo. The intended direction and focus of this cyber punk RPG was not only to be expected but justified those expectations as well. This isn’t a marketing thing, it’s the history of the company. It is the pattern they’ve had throughout their entire career as well as the information that was revealed on the project all the way up to 2018. It was that change from certain leader ship figures taking the helm that decided to scrap and redirect all of that work in progress and focus and go in a completely new direction with a different framework and a different design culminating in a different genre. And I’ve never owned up to that. Even with all of this known to the public they have never owned up to that. I don’t blame the developers as I can imagine the hell they went through especially when they were told to scrap their previous work of 4 to 5 years to start working on a different genre and foundation and framework for the game going in a completely new direction and only been able to have a year and a half to pull it off. Kudos just for getting that rushed out the door I guess. But leader ship I have no respect for and no trust and have distain towards. Because if you’re a man, A man owns up to his shit. Even when it’s hard, a man owns up to his shit or he’s at least supposed to. Leader ship is not owning up to their shit. This is public and pattern knowledge and evidence that we all are aware of to lesser or greater degrees and leader ship is still trying to sweep it all under the rug and not be accountable for their choices. I have no respect for that.

  18. Well to get to the just of my long post. My disappointment does not come from the bugs. My disappointment comes from the fact that two different games were made. A cyber punk Single player open world RPG as it was originally labeled and intended through the eventual progress that was shown not just in information drops but also in a 48 minute demo that was revealed… To the decision by new leader ship in 2018, which resulted in both before and during with the leaving of OG witcher developers who did not like the direction the project was going in, deciding to shift the focus and the framework and the emphasis entirely on the main protagonist Johnny silver hand/Reeves and create a different game in a different genre as the project was re-labeled as a single player open world action adventure story a.k.a. Johnny silver and linear action adventure game and only giving the developers a year and a half to throw this new design together. Leader ship has still not had to answer for their choices that resulted in two different games being made, one being the RPG that was to be expected And intended… And second the current Johnny silver hand action adventure game that we have.

    The downgrading as you put it makes complete sense when you consider two different genres of the game. A RPG that is labeled as such is going to focus more on you the protagonist and more importantly your immersion into the world where the focus is on the world and the lore and the characters/inhabitants in the world and your connection to them and the environment and the multitude of endless stories because it all centers around immersion.
    On the other hand in a action adventure game, which is this current version, you’re going to see focus on the linear story or the main protagonist. In this case the world is only alive when you are moving forward with the main protagonist through the linear story. That is where all the emphasis and life is put. You see this in the uncharted series though they handle that a lot better because they knew what they were doing.

    There is a identity crisis with this project because you have developers who have only ever made RPG‘s for the past 20+ years that led to a culmination of great success in the design and framework and innovation that brought about the foundation of witcher 3 . ( granted that wasn’t straight out of the gate but immersion into this world was clearly the focus of the project that they perfected more and more as time went on)
    But now you have leader ship telling these RPG developers to change up their framework and design to somehow incorporate into that framework a focus on a singular character and his story and then framing everything around that character and all the sudden you have a conglomeration that has lost its identity. Which is why the project was relabeled so quickly in 2018 without any announcement publicly or officially being Made. They also didn’t say shit about this during the night city wire episodes. Leader ship needs to be held accountable, they really do on this one

  19. I think they biggest mistake they made was making it first person and not having cinematic cut scenes like TW3. It would have been a little better had they at least added the cut scenes, but the time they wasted switching development from a third person to first really shows with all the cut content.

  20. I was really looking forward to this game because it was promised to be a deep dark future rpg. Once released it quickly turned out cyberpunk is a action adventure game with SOME weak rpg elements and the truth is I am not really like action adventure games.. What I’m missing from the game can’t be fixed with a few patches and DLCs. Actually, the bugs don't bother either the zombie walkbys or the non-existent AI. The lies and unfulfilled promises of false marketing that is the real problem. They have completely lost my trust tbh.

  21. Cyberpunk has great writing as usual and as expected but what we did not expect is the horrible optimization of the game and the cut content with lack a lot of RPG elements that the Witcher for example had.

  22. I've been playing on a refurbished original Xbox one since release. I have seen others videos of issues they have had, I am not one of those people. My biggest issue was in the first 24 hours I had two crashes. There has always been some popping issues but I have yet to play a AAA game on the Xbox that doesn't so I don't think about it.

    I have not been able to play since the 1.3 update but I hope that the game is not downgraded again as with the previous updates. Either way I will continue to play this game.

  23. Far from perfect.. but.. Personally, it's my Game of The Year! I can't even lie… I've been enjoying the hell out of CP2077 on PC since launch day. I'm nearing 1,500 hours across 7 playthroughs. Takes me back to my Elder Scrolls / Fallout / Witcher days where I have similar hours. Now I'm experimenting with mods, too. As a game developer myself working in the industry, I feel for the CDPR devs.. Hopefully I'll never go through what they have…

  24. Rockstar could probably make a good cyberpunk game. Not sure if it would be as immersive, but at the very least it would be entertaining and actually playable.


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