CyberPunk 2077 Removed/unfinished Feature !!!! Train Stations

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found my way on to the train tracks and found many half finsihed train stations


34 thoughts on “CyberPunk 2077 Removed/unfinished Feature !!!! Train Stations”

  1. I think they wanted to add trains but instead they added fast travel points (i bet they thought that fast travel points vould be more common to find than a train station)

  2. Honestly I'm pretty mad at CDPR that I'll experience the completion of the game with half of its intended content missing still! I will never pre order from this company again smh

  3. thing is rockstar games never make such promises and never overhyped a game,shit even gta vi isn't announced yet,it is rumoured to be in development with all the hype around it.

  4. If you remember, one of the trailers showed you using a tram system to get around and view the city, meaning it was definitely going to be a feature but has definitely been removed if not completely discontinued from then on. That, or this is the starting area for that half of the trailer that was deleted after it no longer served their purposes for showing off the game.

  5. I glitched into out of bounds areas on the map the other day by accident (the city area between pacifica and haywood), there are so many areas where you can hear audio for things in game and see stuff they were planning to do but instead of finishing stuff they have just put walls (invisible or literal) to hide it. I hope they haven't given up completely, I hope they finish it to the level they had originally planned.


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