Cyberpunk 2077 | Relaxing in Night City | Synthwave Music

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Cyberpunk 2077 | Relaxing in Night City | Synthwave Music

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Sending vibes for an epic day! May the entire universe’s luck rain down on you. 🌌
Our beats are here to take you on a journey of feels and memories. 🎵✨


• Captivating art and animations created by me: NightCityGirls •

• If you plan on vibing to this track, be sure to shout out: NightCityGirls •

• Anyone interested in purchasing images, follow the link 🖼️:

#synthwave #cyberpunk2077 #relaxmusic #chillmusic


7 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 | Relaxing in Night City | Synthwave Music”

  1. After the crazy 2 previous chapters, its hightime we started movin again. Enjoy 🙂

    +/ Night City Stories +/ Chapter 25 – Postmortem

    The heavy taps of black high-heel shoes rapidly stomp one after the other across a linoleum floor. Various corpos throughout the halls doing various tasks and carrying on various conversations quickly realize who she is and move out of her way. Some bow their heads in respect while others offer a nervous smile with wavering eye contact. The woman makes her way throughout the PetroChem megabuilding halls to an elevator that scans her before opening. As the elevator rises with a gradual hum the woman takes the moment of privacy to hyperventilate; struggling to catch her breath. She quickly gathers herself before taking a final deep breath. You see the emotionless gaze in her eyes take over as the elevtor dings open. She enters an executive suite with a birds eye view overlooking the bustling Night City. Another executive leaned up against his desk smoking a cigarette stares out into the City with his arms crossed. He speaks in a deep tone, clearly on edge.

    "The postmortem. Is it complete."

    "Yes sir." The woman promptly responds. "They're still digging through the details. The clean up is gonna be a real bitch. Collaterall damage reached most of the block and across the street. Families of the employees are being paid..n54 and all other media outlets are being fed damage control." The woman steps beside the man and joins him looking out into the cityscape with her hands rested behind her back. She continues.

    "Product is completely irretrievable.. no security footage recovered now that the buildings been leveled. Several eye-witnesses are being probed as we speak. Instructions were clear to focus on intel gathering over cleaning on the building site…Not much you can do with a fucking explosion though. Its everywhere by now."

    The man listens while still gazing out into Night City, taking long drags of his smoke. You see a gold ring on his middle finger catch the sunlight and reflect off. He speaks.

    "Rectifying the product shortage is priority number one.." He takes a deep breath letting out a sigh. "The new formula won't be easy to replicate..Why the fuck was security not-"

    "Board made the call sir.. they decided on discretion for the product over security." The woman responds.

    "Fuck discretion. They're shooting themselves in the foot. The product was integral to finally obtaining leverage over Sovoil. For it to go up in smoke just like that…Cleaning this up is gonna be a real bitch."

    "What are next steps sir."

    The exec pauses briefly thinking deeply and taking drags of his smoke.

    "Touch bases with the research team. See what can be done about the setback. Have the auditors on high alert. If any traces of the formula make their way to the streets I want to know about it. Can't let this get out."

    "And the goons who did it?" She asks before another brief pause.

    "Get local PD to sniff around. Start with the vehicle witnesses saw." The corpo exec continues speaking as you quietly see Brian and Zaunya driving.

    Brian and Zaunya are seen driving at night back toward the city in silence. Zaunya smoking in the passenger seat has a fixed gaze out of the window while Brian smoking has his gaze fixed on Night City.

    "Fact is… Whoever did this… knew exactly what they were doing….We just gotta find out why to find the who."

    A close-up of Zaunya's face is seen as the Night Cityscape comes into focus through the reflection in her eyes.


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