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Cyberpunk 2077 – PS5 Gameplay 4K 60FPS HDR | Performance Mode (PS5 Version)
New PS5 Version just got updated on the store and I am checking the game out in Performance Mode. It runs at Dynamic 4K 60FPS. There is in game HDR settings as well. Enjoy the gameplay.
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HDR will take some time to process, so please wait for that to finish for the best experience. This is some Performance mode gameplay. Continuing from where I left off from the RT mode video. Gonna check out the Xbox Series X version next. Stay Tuned for that gameplay 🙂
Hey. Couldn’t get it working on PS5. When I finished downloading the 1.5 update it wanted me to download another small 3gb patch but it won’t install and now I can’t launch the game. You encounter this?
I Always confused about theese modes. What is the didference except one is RT 30 and one is no RT 60?do both have game settings set on same level like shadows,textures, lighting,watter,SSR,weather etc etc?
I'm running at performance mode, I honestly didn't notice too much difference in ray tracing mode, and I don't like to play at 30FPS when I can play at 60FPS
wow the game actually looks great and runs great that was unexpected , im gonna download the update thx bro for the vid
Why does it look so crappy on my PS5 and good in the video
I wonder if there are less crowds in Performance Mode? Your Raytracing video was pretty well populated. Or maybe this one was less crowded because most of the video took place at night and in intentionally barren environments? Hard to tell. Let us know if you spot any differences in people density the more you play.
This looks great at 60fps! I'm excited to finally play this!
Shame there's no dynamic HUD setting. I don't like permanent HUDs.
I play the game on Series X and just found out that there is one thing not in it. Under the point "Video" I can only change the graphic mode. The option to change the HDR mode is no longer there. Before the update 1.5 it was.
What are your hdr settings ?
Game is fixed as promised.Respect CDPR.
I gotta play Horizon first before I get into this so I'm gonna have to hold off for the time being… I can't wait to get into this late March/early April!
I would really love to play it with raytracong but the differences are so subtle it's not worth half the frame rate…
Also, no one is mentioning the amazing work they've done with the adaptive triggers! I mean WOW, every kind of gun has a different way of reacting and you can feel it when you are charging a gun. Cars have tension on the gas and vreake, you actually feel the upshift and downshift… The only game I've played like this was control (well except astro's playroom but that doesn't count)
So.. the RT is only for some small shadows… not worth droping to 30fps. If you want a proper RT, play it on PC.
How do I switch between performance and fidelity mode? I’ve updated but can’t find the option in the menu? I can only find the hdr option
What HDR settings please. LG 4K TV
Just downloaded the update it looks way better finally get to enjoy this game
This great bro, moution blur on or off?