Cyberpunk 2077 Pre Alpha Gameplay 2013 Leaked (4Chan)

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Cyberpunk 2077 Pre Alpha Gameplay 2013 Leaked (4Chan)


47 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Pre Alpha Gameplay 2013 Leaked (4Chan)”

  1. I can see now why they fired the game director most of the staff probably wanted something similar to the Witcher 3, but the new guy wanted to overhaul the whole game

  2. My issue with cyberpunk is like 90% the world feels fake. It feels dead like a cardboard cut out of a world. That is where I think Bethesda remain kings of single player open world games. Is their worlds always feel so alive.

  3. They had so much fkin time… the game is just a story with a slapped on open world. There is nothing to do anymore after you finish the story and side quests.

  4. I never will understand a character creator in games that don’t let you see yourself in 3rd person, whats the point of customizing your face when you never get to see it beyond a menu or inventory screen?

  5. Besides the bugs, the lack of an actual good story and the boring gameplay… The main reason I didn't enjoy playing cyberpunk as much as I hoped I would, is that it's 1st person only. Could've been a great game…


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