CYBERPUNK 2077 Phantom Liberty | Songbird Freed | Unofficial Soundtrack

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Welcome to Cyberpunk 2077’s Phantom Liberty! This video features a mix of the music that plays while sending Songbird to the moon in the quest Killing Moon. This track is currently unreleased and was recorded in-game, all credit for the original work goes to P.T. Adamczyk and Jacek Paciorkowski!

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Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty | Unreleased Music | Killing Moon


20 thoughts on “CYBERPUNK 2077 Phantom Liberty | Songbird Freed | Unofficial Soundtrack”

  1. As a Nomad I often think back to what Jackie said about nomads in the cyberpunk lifepath trailer: that we love freedom.

    So Mi was trapped, and needed freeing. Even though she’d gotten herself there by her mistakes, even though she admitted to screwing me over to save her life, even though she could spark a full-on war…

    I needed to free her.

    When I strapped her into that rocket pod chair and the Nomad dialogue prompt “You’re free.” came up, I started crying. Everything I’d done had been worth it.

    Fuck the NUSA. Aldecaldos for life.

  2. Heavy spoilers ahead:

    Songbird is an allegorical character representing your own principles. She is really an awful, selfish hypocrite that sold out her employer and manipulated everyone around her, you included. Her actions throughout the expansion becoming more reprehensible as the story goes on. But she is, at first, in the same situation as V is: dying, alone, afraid, desperate. Like V, she is doing everything in her abilities to save herself. And can and will trample over anything and anyone to achieve her goal.

    As deliberately muddled and ambiguous the scenario is by the devs for the sake of roleplay and interpretation for the player's sake, selling her out to the NUSA for a cure to V's condition is essentially giving her away to the very people that systematically destroyed her life, to be – for all intents and purposes – a slave and living weapon for the NUSA president, with no regard to her life or free will at all. All so that you "get to live" while completely violating all your stated beliefs in doing so. A cure, might I add, that comes at the cost of everything V holds dear. And in the end becoming an awful selfish hypocrite with no regard of the collateral damage left in your wake; an individual that is willing to sell out their principles and beliefs for self gain; just like Songbird.

  3. It’s rare enough for a game to give you this sense of responsibility for someone. It’s even rarer that a game gives you every opportunity to change your mind. This only happens if you REALLY commit to it, and even then you can choose what tone to set. It’s incredible.

  4. “She made it-preem that’s what counts”

    As someone who has played the TRPG and is kinda used to be backstabbed and zeroed in NC 😂 When one of your people makes it out it’s a reason to celebrate even more when you had a part in it. So despite everything this is what my V chose to do.


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