Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Marketing News! CDPR bought by Sony False "Rumors" and More!

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Today we have some more information about Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty marketing as well as Witcher news from the recent investors earnings presentation.

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LastKnownMeal, 2023.


45 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty Marketing News! CDPR bought by Sony False "Rumors" and More!”

  1. [Affiliate] – Buy Cyberpunk 2077 or any game over my link at GOG and support the channel:

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  2. This Sony buying CDPR claims are just laughable. It makes no sense at all. CDPR are in a healthy position despite the launch of Cyberpunk and in fact they are on the up since Edgerunners. Unless their new Witcher game flops, it is never gonna happen. Besides CDPR prides themselves on being independent and one of the core reasons developers actually seek out a job at CDPR is because they get more creative freedom than any other AAA company. Sony acquisition would be pretty bad for those prospective developers. Can you even imagine Sony allowing a quest like the crucifixion quest in Cyberpunk?

    Also CDPR are PC first developers so it doesn't make sense.

  3. A CD Projekt RED representative has squashed rumours spread over the weekend that the Cyberpunk 2077 developer is on the verge of being picked up by Sony

  4. I want to know when Cyberpunk is coming to Gamepass. Come on, CDPR, make it happen! I want to play it on PC with overdrive mode and with xbox achievements.

  5. Absolutely love your content and news!!!
    From what I can see, the rumour that Sony is buying CDPR is being spread by Sony fanbois all over twitter.
    Since Xbox first announced its buying Activision, PS fanbois have been verbal, trying to say/encourage Sony to buy up more studios – that's not how it works folks! & Sony just doesn't have the money Microsoft has.
    As a side note, CDPR has knocked back Sony quite a few times over the years. CDPR even took precautions not to be bought/owned by anyone or any major shareholder.
    I believe it was 2016, when CDPR bought the majority of their own stock, so no one person could hold a majority share.

  6. LKM, to answer your question, the only reason I could see Sony buying CDPR would be to further that evil practice of "exclusives". But as you said, the rumor is not true.

  7. won't happen. Sony was upset with CDPR over the refunds and so I don't see it happening.
    Plus Sony is anti-modding so do we really want them to buy CDPR ? I don't.

  8. I want Patch 1.7 dropped well before Phantom Liberty so all the problems and bugs it will introduce to the base game can be cleaned up and stabilized, giving us all a solid base for the expansion. What new content will be shown to the media on June 8th? I think it will be the new gameplay capabilities in 1.7. I still like August 20, 2023 to be the release date for Phantom Liberty… something big needs to happen on that date. IYKYK.

  9. Just a question for all of you. I am thinking of buying the game at this time cause it has lower its price, but I am not sure about it. What can you suggest me and what are your opinions on the game right now? And also, this new expansions is gonna be free or not? Have a nice day you all 🙂

  10. For their brand new IP i really want them to takle the Space Opera genre. Space RPG fans like me were starved from good game since Mass Effect 2. Maybe Starfield will change that but I still want to see CDPR's amazing quest design in a mature story driven space opera RPG 😋.

  11. I would love Sony to buy CDPR! They make amazing single player experiences and so does CDPR. If Sony could provide more resources to a "small" studio like them i think they would both knock it out of the park!


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