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“Can’t wait for Jingles to see the ALIEN Isolation ending” they all said. I hate you all :p
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Somewhat like Five nights at Freddy's my children watch
Again… called the day. LOL Thanks Jingles!
In the nomad ending as you talk to Alt she explains beyond the Blackwall and what its like, however with the PL DLC new voice lines are that she knows you have been in contact with from beyond the Blackwall and references the weapon [smg/cyberdeck] as something that belongs to them. she also explains about the AIs by saying " In colliding with your reality, their infinite permutability would grant them their desired, tangible form. Had you let them slip through, they would have become your psyche. become you." Luckily the tech of 2077 is said to be too rudimentary to let them through and that its not necessarily just the Blackwall keeping them at bay. My thoughts are that if the current tech of 2077 cant facilitate their Size, connection, upload without damaging the host/form, or that there is something else stopping them from making the jump. more scary is that if Alt is talking about the Relic chip being to Simple and that is what stopped them from controlling V, also meaning that's why V could survive going into the Cynosure bunker and not just be killed straight by a rogue AI. Then one has to ask, if Arisaka develop the tech and a couple of thousand hosts have relic's slotted in them, then the Rogue AIs figure away to hijack the psyche. Likely spawn bigger problems than when song is taken over and with the power of the black wall at their finger tips.
I gotta wonder if the failure cutscene is inspired by MEtroid Dread.
More please, happy Christmas to you and yours 🎉
Thx for showing this ending Paul, must have giving you all kind of mixed emotions but you went through anyway, i loved every minute. I played a few endings myself but never this one so that is a bonus. Like i said, you gave me a big smile and even the wife came to look when i was crying of laughter with tears on the cheeks. When she saw what you were doing and they way you said it, well she also broke down in laughter so thx for that. Also we want to wish everybody on this channel and of course you , Paul, a great X-mas and a good, happy but most of all healthy 2024.
Even despite the absolute ballache that hiding from the Cerberus can be sometimes I still think this is one of my favorite missions in the whole game. I also love how Mr. cool as ice Johnny Silverhand sounds genuinely scared for a moment as you ride the lift down before the link gets cut. the ambiance, the worldbuilding, the lore, its all fantastic
And again she burns
and again
and again
and again
and again (when disconnecting the thermic control)
That sent shivers down my spine
And, for Boxing Day…. the conclusion!
Yup I hated this ending. And it was the first one I've done since I started playing. lol. I'm looking forward to finding all the other endings. They all have to be better than this one.
Merry Christmas to Jingles and all the Salt miners!
Love me some Jingles s*itting his pearly pink panties for some isolation gameplay😂😂
Merry Christmas Jingles! Enjoy the break! Hope you get some new panties to replace your soiled ones 😜
Ncie video Jingles! Hope you're having amerry Christmas!
Always a pleasure watching Jingles put on his dropship pilot baggies so they hold it all in when he poops his pants… 💩
Says someone who's had Cyberpunk 2077 for years and spent more time downloading the patches than playing it…
Now we wait for brown man pants to get washed😂
There was a staircase you missed.
In the room where Johnny got blocked by Songbird.
You walked right underneath it but never looked to see what was up it.
whatever the holidays may hold for you Oh mighty evil gnome Overlord, may it be good and entertaining since you gave all for this ending and went skulking around avoiding the mecha-maid !
This is a man who once protected the UK, he sees nothing and fears the shadows, thank fuck for the chair force 😀
Jingles seems incapable of producing an episode that will have a proper Series Ending to it, it always has to end when most of your ass is off the chair from anticipation. Almost feels like its intentional…..oh wait
Damn if only you had some guns to shoot it
Hope you're doing well Jingles.
A lot of suspense to break the holiday for, Jingles. Thanks! Merry Christmas! Will you be making the shepherd's pie from a few years back?
see you after Christmas jingles …. or will we see another video before or on Christmas
Lets be real, this is the ending everyone wanted for Jingles
Enjoying your time off I see!
Jingles!! Sweet!
I appreciate the feeling of getting bored and not being able to stop doing what you like, so thank u for uploading videos on your vacation. And Merry Christmas and Happy new year jingles.
Merry Christmas Jingles
Listening to Jingles brown trousers in this part is very entertaining 🙂 But I am like him when I first (and second/third) time through this, a whole lotta nope and taking a break from playing when that thing was stalking me. Cheers to you our gnomish overfiend.
That's no itsy bitsy spider…..
@16:27 that looks like some windows 98 pattern lol
I suppose the less stressful path to finish this DLC is:
first betray Reed and take Songbird to the starport,
then betray Songbird and take her to Reed.
Both Alex and Reed survive, and you can choose the survival ending or one of the olders.
Best quote of the vid “I see you Mfker !” 😊
Me thinks Jingles Pearly Pink Panties, Are now permanently Stained Brown & yellow. With stains so deeply ingrained in the material. That they will NEVER EVER Be washed clean ever again!
Jingles it's time! . . . To just say screw it! And live the Commando life!
Are we supposed to believe that you are still buoyant with all that chrome inside you or did I miss someting.
Super-secret, super-secure bunker, doors can be forced open with a body check of 3… I get that they wanted to make sure you can progress but that's just lazy. And hacking is also easy enough for toddlers.
Nice mech they give you to play with though.
I have to pause but will watch the rest later.
Tap tap tap on the shoulder… me again!
You suck big time on this holiday thing 😂😂😂😂
There are times during this I think , when So Mi is calling out betrayal , she's not talking to V, but to the AI.
Just wanted to say, Jingles: There's nothing wrong with expressing fear. In fact, action while facing fear is the best expression of courage.