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#Cyberpunk2077 #Gameplay #Walkthrough
If they made a multiplayer you could play with jimmy, i was picturing you two fighting over who put the thing in the nurochip or whatever and i could not stop laughing
Jackie was the saddest moment 😭😰
Minus the bug.. it’s kinda crazy how quickly you care about Jackie, his death hurt man..
F’s for Jackie
The prompt to call evelyn at 30:37 is not working for me, she just hangs up on her and now im stuck. anybody else having this problem?
I started laughing too when I seen the gun go through his face
Worst time for a bug during a really sad moment within the game cause I was in my feelings in my play through when Jackie passed, but in Trev’s it cracked me up I’m sorry cause it looked like Jackie was doing the disappearing reappearing magic coin trick but with his gun.
what song plays during the first part with delamain
Trev making my anxiety flyyyyy by killing everyone that just makes you look guilty
42:39 My too trev, me too.
I love this guy no homo he’s my personal movie/ tv/ episodes
Why am I crying rn
Jackie and T-Bug didn't deserve to die.
Most glitchy game ive seen
funniest bug everrrrr🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀💀💀
Upstairs there’s a katana and a suitcase but it won’t let me scan it and there’s to body guards but it glitch and won’t let me grab the case or scan it. And the sword is called sarudo’s Katana
Man sending him to Vic viktor prolly would’ve saved him
Jackie is my main man. When he died on my playthrough I was really sad.
dont shove a gun into my head and call it a biochip
Man the ps5 version sure does have alot of buggy moments doesn't it? Or maybe your just unlucky and its bugging out alot for you. I think I've only come across one buggy moment on the Xbox One and it was a civilian randomly spawning in front of me and floating away in a t-pose.
2:14 sentence one of the most famous cod lines by Russell Adler “we got a job to do”
That last scene where the funny glitch was like damn bro. Sad for Jackie, why does he had to die
35:00 Those AI don't know we played COD.
Only one bug so far that’s pretty good
Does anybody know why the NPC’s are golden on my plate there they are black
Where is part 2
Love your vids trev keep it up
The glitch fucked the peak of all 3 videos.
That gun glitch tho in the car 😭wrong timing
Idc how realistic this game thinks it is its not to me until delamain continues talking while t bug calls
I had the same bug happen to me xD
Wow this idiot missed the handgun in the drawer when you get to this part in The Heist for you have to find the button to open that secret little thing on the ground theres a drawer right and you go to it and you completely see the pistol it's right there just don't ever miss that handgun please don't.
When Saburo was murdered in my playthrough i was shocked. Reading into the lore of the game before it had released makes these moments poo even more.
“Maybe i can get some info at the bar…”
drunk guy casually drops a giant bomb of an important fact
“Nope, guess there’s nothing here!”
This heist scene looks like something out of hitman
i got bugs too where mouth not moving.. no blood, static movement before dead.. sad
Man the Spanish to English translations are kinda bad they translate regular Spanish words to cuss words in English
Best opening in video games history
Wondering we could get a little more INTEL or something lmao 8:06
Imagine looking up at the ceiling of your penthouse and seeing a massive semi-transparent robotic tarantula.
When he tapped his shoulder and said ill see you in the major leauges that was so sad😭
This is legit a movie
Rest in peace Jackie. He was a good guy. 🙏