Cyberpunk 2077 – Overpowered Smart Overclock 2.1 – Aggressive Netrunner Build – Phantom Liberty

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This is another version of the previous smart weapon-netrunner build. You have stronger weapon firepower although with a cost of less RAM resources. This build relied heavily on Overclock ability, that’s why knowing how to use it effectively is really crucial. Luckily we have Quantum Tuner and Axolotl to make things easier for us.

Huge thanks to @kevinbong19 for the information regarding this build.

Note: This will be my last build for Cyberpunk 2077 for the time being, cause i want to move to other games

Difficulty: Very Hard

00:00 Gameplay 1
02:16 Gameplay 2
03:02 Gameplay 3
05:29 Gameplay 4
06:42 Gameplay 5
08:55 The Build

OST by Aim to Head (Various mix). Thank you ‘Aim to Head’ for providing amazing music with free copyright!

#cyberpunk2077 #edgerunner #phantomliberty


5 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – Overpowered Smart Overclock 2.1 – Aggressive Netrunner Build – Phantom Liberty”

  1. If you play Quantum Tuner to refresh your Overclock you must not use any other cyberwares which also have cooldown, because Quantum Tuner can be wasted on those, especially on Kerenzikov, Reflex Tuner…Tbh it's better to use the Cox-2 instead. I'm working on a smart SMG build as well, but with different cyberwares and perks, i went mitigation with Pyromania and Heat Shield (works with Yinglong EMP blast, 50% mitigation chance at 80% mitigation strength, with Neofiber it goes to 61% mitigation chance), it's way more tankier than any armor based build even considering taking out Para Bellum for Kinetic Frame, in skeleton slots i use Para Bellum, Ram Recoup, Spring Joints, in Integumentary System i use Defenzikov, Pain Editor, Painducer, in Nervous System Neofiber, Kerenzikov and Deep Field (the 30m one, the one you are using is for sniper, you should use the non iconic one)…all cyberwares slots are filled excepted the 2nd hand slot.

  2. People always make those videos showcasing their overpowered builds, dashing around, high octane gameplay, always on the move, quick decision making… meanwhile I just waltz in everywhere via the main entrance and take a stroll through the very middle of everything with my explosive LMG, never letting off the trigger since the mag reloads itself on every kill, 2k armor, ridiculously fast reloading health boosters that automatically use themselves and no single fuck to give. Smasher fight with that build felt like Saitama vs Boros moment. I just walk through everything, I don't remember when a tank build in a game felt this good.


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