Cyberpunk 2077 / Optimised Settings / i7 6700K / RTX 2070S / 3440×1440

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These are optimised and further adjusted slightly from the Digital Foundry optimised settings video. These I found work best for me for a slightly higher increase in visual fidelity whilst still maintaining a majority 60+ fps framerate. For texture sharpening I am using the nVidia GeForce Experience realtime filter set to 80%.


4 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 / Optimised Settings / i7 6700K / RTX 2070S / 3440×1440”

  1. Been eyeing up some 3440×1440 monitors, as my Acer XB270HU is developing some odd, almost grey/white band of of pixels in games. What was that CSV thing you mentioned on the OCUK forums from a reddit user? I have applied the HxD fix for AMD CPU's.

  2. why no ray tracing? I have the same GPU with similar graphics settings and monitor resolution, it's still playable with ray tracing all on and medium lighting, I use DLSS performance though.

  3. I have 1080 SLI but because the game supports everything except SLI I might as well have a single 1080, 32GB of RAM, and an i7-9700k, and yet, I average around 40fps on low at 3440×1440. If I even attempt to use the same settings as you my frames drop to the mid 20s, and even then… it still looks like a blurry mess lol. According to user benchmarks the 2070 isn't that much more powerful than the 1080, so I fail to see how you get such good performance on such high settings? What is your performance like with DLSS off?


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