Cyberpunk 2077 Next-Gen Review – Still Underwhelming

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Of course, it’s not reasonable to expect sudden and massive improvements overnight. Given the state the game launched in, it’s going to take many significant updates over a long period of time to get it at least somewhat close to the level that many had hoped it would be at over a year ago- and even that might not be enough.

As things stand right now though, Cyberpunk 2077 still has a lot of glaring issues that need to be fixed. For now, all I can say is that it’s gone from being a mediocre game to one that’s slightly better than mediocre. If you have been waiting to take your first steps into the game until meaningful improvements are made to the game, my advice would be to wait a little bit longer.


26 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Next-Gen Review – Still Underwhelming”

  1. I wish publications and companies in general would stop calling things next gen, If it's out now it's not next gen, It's current gen, Next gen is something that isn't out yet.

  2. Main issue for me which has been in the game since launch are the places where V sits and has conversations, with Jackie ,Takamori and in Viks clinic, the furniture V sits at / on is moving in a bobbing breathing sort of fashion and appears not stable at all.

  3. Huh, I’m freaking loving it so far some 7 hours in. I skipped it when it came out so this is my first time playing it. It’s absolutely great imo. I’m playing on PS5 for what it’s worth.

  4. Clearly biased.
    “It would take many updates to get it at least in the state where you hope it should be in. And even that won’t be enough”

    Bruh this game is totally fine in the current state. You just seem to be really hurt by the launch.

  5. Very very unfair review, this game and especially its world is stunning, its improved so much ,and looks and plays great ,your points you make in your video don't add up ,the game is now stable ,the quests atmosphere and the overall aesthetic are fantastic and the devs should be mention gunplay ,but the gunplay is great .the driving is great ,for some reason you just want to take a huge dump on this game ,i have lost all respect for your platform, which is a shame because you are one of the few platforms i respect for my reviews

  6. Ya it may run great now…. Still doesn’t change the fact that the game was just not very good. If it had came out running well, it would still have received bad reviews because it’s a bad game.


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