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Cyberpunk 2077 – RX 570 – Ryzen 5 2600 – Low/Medium/High/Ultra
00:00 Low
03:27 Medium
06:22 High
08:49 Ultra
My Hardware:
Graphics Card: RX 570 8GB Asus ROG Strix
Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 2600
RAM: 2×8 GB DDR4 2400 MHz
SSD: 240 GB
HDD: 2x1TB
OS: Windows 10
Mainboard: MSI B450M-A Pro MAX
4 minutes ago…
does your game includes the day one patch? that looks unoptimized, the gpu usage barely reaches 100% :<
man you're the best
please do rx 470 + core i5 3gen or i7 3 gen
Rx 470 please
Bro please try i5 3570 with it too
20 mins ago😂
Can u plz tell me the AVG fps after overclocking at ultra?
Can you also show GPUs power? Like 76.4W. And also what's your driver version?
Your spec is exactly the same like my PC 👍. I will wait for a better optimization patch as there is no reason why this game should not work in constant 60fps on medium with rx570.
I bought rx 570 for this game because cdpr sad that cyberpunk will be fine on low-midle pc. Thanks
Thanks for this video
What is your monitor and it's refresh rate?
Can U make a video, with your rx 470 config?
Plz rx470
Can I play Cyberpunk on RX 570 and i5-4590?
hello, great video
One question, have you tried activating the fidelityFx? options, as I read it improves the fps a lot, please could you share how much it does.
I have the same configuration and am very undecided about buying it now.
so playing low/med/high/ultra what's the best settings for you
i m waiting for your cyberpunk on rx 470 video:)
bro when will the gtx 1060 3 GB be available ?
Did u undervolt ur gpu?
Is the most recent drivers update?
Shit you get rx no r7 350
bro how r getting 25 fps on ultra on this GPU? I mean other YouTubers r getting below this..even at high it's bcz their drivers aren't updated or ….
Hey how would this perform on the 4GB version of the RX 570?
In medium the texture quality are in médium or high?
Menos mal vendi mi rx 570 y me compre una rtx 2060 🙂
Why does my system give out 19 fps with the same configuration?
AMD trollin'
i have a 570 oc and undervolted with a i5 7400 and 16gb ram at 3600 should i expext about same fps or worse
can i play cyberpunk on rx 570 8gb an oc a10 7870k?
Hi, thanks for the vid what is your preferred settings on Rx 570 ryzen 2600? Thanks
I have on the same processor and video card 1660 super 6 GB at ultra 35 – 45 fps
there's not so much bump in performance on low settings can't even hit 60fps….. hopefully it'll perform better in the future
I'll wait until the developers finished optimizing this game.
Is the game bad optimized or are the specs just too bad for the game?
Thanks for your video with the ryzen 5 2600, a lot of videos show tests on ryzen 5 3600. I'm currently waiting on my radeon 5600xt to arrive. I'm surprised at the night and day difference with a rx570 and the base consoles.
Not enough knowledge bout pc but how many fps can i get when i have these specs:
-Ryzen 5 3400g
-msi rx 570 OC 8gb
-t-force 16gb ram 3200 mhz
Thanks in advance guyss hope ul help me <3
PowerColor Rx 580 8gb gang 😀
Can't wait to play this so my RX 570 4gb dies on the spot.
hi everyone, i have the same setup but i have 8gb 3000mhz ram, how much of a difference would it be?
What osd program/app did you use for the fps dan details shown in video?
Ryzen 5 2600 very good