Cyberpunk 2077 – New Leak Has Sent Fans Into A Total Uproar! New EdgeRunners Update!

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A new Cyberpunk 2077 leak has sent fans into a total uproar about the horrible launch of the game. Plus we have a Cyberpunk Edgerunners Netflix TV Series anime update!

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38 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – New Leak Has Sent Fans Into A Total Uproar! New EdgeRunners Update!”

  1. I'd like to see some updates to the weapons and armor. I'd also like to see them do a better job at sorting, by weapon types. Also more Police quests – this City always has crime somewhere.

  2. Since the announcement of the show I got a idea for expanding and flushing out night city and that would be with episode sized dlc maybe 4 times a year focusing on short self contained storylines within the lesser used areas of the city. We don't need a bigger map we want to flush out what we got. Like a story held in the old inner city of Pacifica opening up that part of the map and the stadium. Or even adding more interior spaces bring a official transit system including buses and a actual usable taxi service a transmit system like from assassins creed so we can look how we want. Basically we want to live it that night city fantasy we all dreamed up back when this game was first hyped. I understand that's next to impossible but if they no man skyed cyberpunk with frequent bite sized updates with new content a few times a year it really could be something special. Oh and like buddy said parkour fleshed out would be really cool to. And make the flying car mod official but make it super high end because although it's really well done it breakes the game loop and the game gets really empty in those less explored areas witch is where this idea came from. Maybe a high life storyline jumping from penthouses with a flying car. I think V overall was a weak character in how they were doomed from the start. But with their death it opens up the chance at new characters maybe even multiple characters. The real star here really is the city its honestly a sin that so many of us can only get skin deep into the city. Hell if they even wanted to bank roll it make it paid content. Open the areas up and add gameplay features guns and armour cars etcetera to everyone but if you wanted the independent episode make that paid dlc. Like I said I just wanna live out that fantasy I dreamed up after seeing the first teasers back in the day. I really feel like they could pull it off if they were willing to stick with this game engine fir a littlewhile and I just cant see it and I understand why but part of me really wants this game to be fully realized because when it hits it's truly breathtaking… until it isn't lol but that's cyberpunk in a nut shell.

  3. CDPR lied about alot of stuff, this doesn't surprise me.. they lied to themselves even about the state of the game at launch… There's freaking flying cars on PC ,.. this game shouldn't of been released on PS4 and Xbox one

  4. CDPR screwed up the launch for Cyberpunk 2077 , but CDPR has learned their lesson (when Sony takes your Game off their Store? you learn from the burn! when you partner with Microsoft for the Game Launch and Microsoft goes 'wtf is this?' you learn like a beyootch!)

    From unnecessary crunch time on Game Devs, to promised release date fails, to subcontractors lying – manage your shit, CDPR!

    I hope Cyberpunk Edgerunner is better then Blade Runner Black Lotus!

  5. Even at launch with the few bugs I had my Ryzen 3600x msi b550 tomahawk and evga 2070 super xc ultra played well enough to invest over 300 hours of gameplay , I’ve since upgraded few parts but always had fun with the game

  6. A game dev company can't just randomly make their game open source, they have share holders, they took all the legal steps to make it their intellectual property. They would never just abandon their game like that.

  7. I am surprised that people are waiting for something new for a game that was a complete failure.
    I am also surprised that CDPR which lied about the game having 3 life paths, having a visceral city full of life, that you could meet people and bring them to your apartment and my all time favorite was the lie about choices made actually do something towards the ending has the nerve to call out someone else for lying about their complete failure. The whole thing is complete trash. It's not QA's fault that they didn't have a finished product. I can only imagine how they laughed at this thing when QA got a look at it. As for CDPR, the bugs are only part of the problem, you are a dishonest, disreputable, lying company that made a money grab. You aren't the first and you won't be the last… in fact, I bet you will try it again.

  8. Most of the time huge game companies don't visit QA. Like never. The closest is a video conference call. I have worked in QA for 8 years. If your not at the studio and your outsourced QA, you will NEVER see studio employees there checking on you. They have enough to worry about with game production. Also if this is the case and they get a build that is going to launch, they would have no choice but to launch. Also hardly ever is anyone on the same build. It's mostly QA that are all on the same build. I think before you comment on this topic you should ask some QA people instead of speculating. Most times YouTubers say things and don't know what your talking about. This video included. It comes down to promises and decisions. If they were lied to and the close to final build it made and then tested and it is broken then yes it is the qa fault. QA is a massive part of production, devs don't have time to test content when they are constantly designing and creating things for the game. Game heavily relies on QA to help devs fix issues. Devs won't know there is issues due to them being on later builds that often do t have the full game included. So yes if this report is the case then it is the QA fault. There is a reason QA wants more pay, it's because a large chunk of the success of the game depends on QA.

  9. If we could get our apartments to have maybe a visitor and be able to actually eat and hang out with our friends made within the game. Maybe random calls to eat with Judy, or Panam. Maybe go to the desert here and there under the stars with panam and the camp ?
    Shit imagine being able to fix Rocky Ridge and be part of its community building. Definitely want to see Pacifica and Santo Domingo become more dangerous and interactive. Definitely want to see more gang interactions and please the police system needs changes.

  10. Omg. Who cares anymore. Leaks after leaks. It's only to keep them in the news. And you youtubers keep falling for it. Shame on you. Cover games that are actually doing something

  11. i dont blame project cd red. i blame the fans and their investors. they said the game wasn't ready and people complained and wasn;t given enough time. i got it and know shit was going to buggy

  12. Lies…you'd expect someone would catch those bugs and glitches in the first 30min of gameplay man. it was plenty of them and game breaking. they just didnt care. even if that quality company fucked it up, there was not one cdpr employee to say, Hey wait a minute, this game is broken and its missing 60% of the promised content!…. im sorry cdpr but you still have the black mark on you, and you cant get out of this one. trying to sweeten your image before your next titles? nope, im never gona pre-order from you. you need to come back strong in your next title or you'll slowly go down.


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