Cyberpunk 2077 Modded Arms

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Hmm, need to think about a pure brawler build now.


2 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Modded Arms”

  1. I came back to the game after 1.52 patch and I was just messing around as I had never tried a brawler build in this or any game for that matter. What I found was amazing to me, on the hard mode, not only was I now beating every one of the fight bosses and the cyber-psychos, even the animal one but the final boss as well without them laying a single hit on me. On top of that I had become a bullet sponge as I could just punch out five or six npcs before they fired their first shot and then just keep knocking them around and my health did not go below 80 or 90 percent if that much. As long as I was punching someone my health stayed at the top in any encounter. It only dropped the ten to twenty percent when I had to go more than a few steps to the next target and there were several shooting me at the time. The most fun was punching out the Saka mechs after killing off the other npcs around them. I had never guessed that a brawler build could be that much fun. Blade build is also really fun, as you can stab them through the stomach or chop off their heads as well. I was really surprised that they had such great animations for these builds.


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