CyberPunk 2077 Minimum PC Requirements – Can My RX 480 Run Cyberpunk 2077?

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The CyberPunk 2077 minimum specs are listed with an RX470 4GB GPU. Well today we’re going to save PC gaming from the lack of next gen hardware by testing what is possible using an RX 480 4GB. In a recent live stream, one of my viewers indicated they would not be playing CyberPunk 2077 until GPUs like the RTX 3060ti or RTX 3070 became available as they were concerned their RX 580 would melt. I’m putting that to the test in todays video. All tests were done with gaming at 1080P in mind and of course we’re targeting 60FPS because PCMR. In this video I hope to answer what playing CyberPunk 2077 on a low end PC / GPU will be like.

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0:00 Opening
0:39 Intro
02:13 What we’re working with
02:58 Setting The Stage
03:36 Let The Testing Begin
06:46 Achieving 1080P 60 FPS?
12:16 Conclusion

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33 thoughts on “CyberPunk 2077 Minimum PC Requirements – Can My RX 480 Run Cyberpunk 2077?”

  1. I had to install on my wife's PC a Ryzen 1400 4 core with an RX580 4 gig video card (1080p). 7200 rpm hard drive. On Medium settings I'm getting 30 fps in high traffic areas and 45 fps in low traffic areas. Graphics look awesome, no lag or pop ins. I have not turned on dynamic or static fidelity. Gameplay wise you cannot tell the game isn't running at 60 fps. It's extremely smooth and playable. Now if my 300 dollar motherboard replacement would get here so I can play on my Ryzen 5 6 core and my RX580 with 8 gigs of ram i'd be double happy but there isn't anything wrong with playing as I am now. not one thing.

  2. I'm using the Ryzen 5 2600 CPU paired with an RX 580 8Gb GPU and playing at High Textures with everything else on Low/Off at 1080p 30FPS V-Sync Locked. In this video you missed out that if you go in the Main Menu you get Texture Settings next to Quick Preset as that only appears while in the Main Menu and it doesn't Change while In-Game. So even when you changed the Quick Preset to Low the Textures stay on High.

  3. Tell you what, the extra 40 bucks i paid for an 8gb model was a smart decision. I run slightly higher settings than this (high textures, medium crowd density and shadows, and low everything else, only motion blur off) with Fidelity FX at 85% min 100% max, and get 55-60fps with Vsync off and Radeon Enhanced Sync on. I have an i7 5775c at 4ghz and 16gb ddr3 2400CL11 for the rest of my system. That said, its time for a 6700 non xt, 3060 non ti, or maybe the midrange Intel HPG if its good come tax time.

  4. Mate i have:

    Intel i7 6700K 4.5GHZ

    RX480 Gigabyte Gaming 8GB

    16GB DDR4

    Maximus Ranger VIII

    Samsung SSD EVO

    850W Power Supply

    And i have 8 FPS in Cyberpunk 2077 why is that?

    Main GPU usage is 0-38& for few seconds spiking sometimes to 100% for 1sec and 0-38% again…this can be the reason but why….???


    All other games runs always on ultra in Full HD 60-80FPS.

  5. I have a firedragon rx480 whit a Apu a8 max 4,1mhz and 8gb Ram I already flashed it to rx580 but whit 1360mhz max. It runs on all slow 30fps when I activate the cas dinamic to 50percent resolution and 60fps forced it stays to 30fps. I have a normal HDD. What is wrong whit my setup? I have latest December Radeon driver whit cyberpunk optimization….

  6. One of the cooks at my work was trying to tell me he's playing at 4k with his rx570 and r7 2700x. I told him that i didn't see that being possible. Then he proceeded to say it's the msi armor oc edition As if that puts his 570 into a different league. (Not to mention either that armor cards cool almost as bad as reference cards) then he told me that he's buying another armor card for crossfire and will as good as my 1080 ti. I guess he didn't get the memo that crossfire and sli are DEAD.

  7. My system specs, Intel i7-4790K, 16 GB RAM, Radeon Rx 480 (8 GB version). 1080p resolution Ultra settings are hurting fps for sure. My current initial settings are HIGH preset, chromatic abberation and motion blur off, crowd density low. Dynamic FidelityFX CAS ON: target 35 fps, minimum resolution 80 percent. I'm going for a balance between fps and graphical quality. Game is looking good and fluid enough. Not dropping below 35 fps ever. That is the sweet spot for MINIMUM, about half of my monitor refresh rate (75 Mhz, Freesync).

    Setting Dynamic FidelityFX CAS minimum resolution to 50 percent could be harsh but I know this video targets for 60 fps. So I recommend giving the game a try for fellow gamers if you have Rx 480 (and up), enough ram and cpu. If you are not getting the same results on high, just tune down some shadow/volumetric settings to medium and you should be fine.

  8. I think a lot of people with decent PCs who are moaning about the performance are just expecting too much. I've been playing on a RX 480 4GB on mostly medium settings at 1080p, and its something like 35-40 fps, a playable framerate and the game looks good.

  9. haha im 1:44 in and Im running FX8370 stock and MSI RX 480 Gaming x 8 gig model, it defaulted to ultra preset and it works rather well, I was expecting to drop it down to high or medium, Im only getting 30fps BUT it works lol

  10. Im on mid to high settings with mx RX 480 (8g) But Cyberpunk decided to stop working after the first fix they attempted. It ran perfectly fine at launch.

    I got my RX 480 in either 2017 or 2018 tho.


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