Cyberpunk 2077 | Lucyna Kushinada | Synthwave Music

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Cyberpunk 2077 | Lucyna Kushinada | Synthwave Music

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Sending vibes for an epic day! May the entire universe’s luck rain down on you. 🌌
Our beats are here to take you on a journey of feels and memories. 🎵✨


• Captivating art and animations created by me: NightCityGirls •

• If you plan on vibing to this track, be sure to shout out: NightCityGirls •

• Anyone interested in purchasing images, follow the link 🖼️:

#synthwave #cyberpunk2077 #relaxmusic #chillmusic


6 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 | Lucyna Kushinada | Synthwave Music”

  1. +/ Night City Stories +/ Chapter 19 – High-Time

    The low tone buzzing of a bright light beeming down on Brian's face jolts him awake suddenly. With his vision in a complete haze and his hearing still coming too, he hears the sounds of two people talking with muffled voices. The cieling of the room is slowly spinning as he begins to regain his senses. He attempts to raise his head slightly only to feel an intruding weight and stiffness in his neck..he feels a dramatic shift in his overall weight and heaviness. He hears the sounds of tight, new chrome creaking with every slow, ginger movement he makes as he finally sits up with his head resting on the back of the padded chair. He hears the sound of a door sliding closed which grabs his attention, looking over at it too late to see who left. Through his blurred vision he sees various tools and equipment around him covered in blood alongside gauze, rags and syringes. The amount of blood surrounding his area is almost hard to believe theres no corpse nearby.

    "Mornin' love." Brian hears from a soft, feminine voice hes never heard before. The bright lights beeming down on him are suddenly clicked off as he glances over in the direction of the voice. He looks over to see a woman in a white, blood covered tank-top with black jeans and boots on sitting in a chair off to the side smoking a cigarette. She's coated in tats, running down from her neck to her finger tips along with a spattering of various piercings complimenting her make-up and short hair. She has one leg raised up onto her desk with her other foot resting on the bottom of Brian's chair itself as she takes another drag observing him closely as he comes too. Brian shifts his weight in his seat to face her, causing the chair to squeak and creak under his now heavy weight. Still in a haze he lays his head back onto the seat. The woman finally speaks.

    "Easy honey..its gonna take some time. Take it slow." She says in a calm tone before taking another drag of her smoke.

    "Wh-what..?" He says, barely concious closing his eyes tightly and putting his hands on his forehead. The weight of his hands catches him off guard as he quickly removes them to hold them up and look at them making sure they're still his hands.

    "Titanium bones." She says in response to him before continuing. "You got lucky. I don't just keep full and complete skeletal structures lying around..especially none your size." She says while raising her eyebrows. "Afterward, i figured.. there's now way he's gonna be able to move any good with that.. so I went ahead and hooked you up with some Bionic Joints as well.. definitely shouldn't have any problem carrying the load.

    " no no.. you can't-" Brian says still attempting to sit up in his seat before being cut off

    "As for your.. pokes and slashes, well.. stitching was the best i could do for your ganic. Gotta say, that's gonna make quite the badass scar there." She says with a grin gesturing to the long slice from the Tyger Claw mantis blade going down from his jawline, past his neck, down to his chest now patched together with some high quality stitch work. "Blood Pump should take care of you from now on." The woman finally pauses briefly, taking a deep breath and resting her back up against her own chair.

    "She must really care about you." She says in a raised, matter of fact tone.

    "No.. i'm not taking any of this.. reduce spec." Brian says without making eye contact in an exhausted tone.

    The woman laughs, smiling "What..? hahaha it doesn't work that way. You should know that by now. I saw the traces of previous work you've had done."

    Brian with no energy to protest or bitch about it inhales deeply before exhaling and pausing..taking a moment to shift subject

    "I'm guessin' you chipped her Sandy huh"

    The woman raises both her eyebrows, shoulders and black, tool tipped ripperdoc hands at the same time.

    "She ask ya to do that too or did she just wake up to it.." Brian says in a mocking tone

    The woman quickly sits up in her chair before aggressively leaning toward him. "Hey, this isn't a fucking arts and crafts project alright? You were half a flatline when she drug you in here. Didn't even have time to help her while i was working on your ass… She took care of herself in here."

    "Who are you..?" Brian asks looking directly at her.

    The woman breaks eye contact with a frustrated expression on her face before standing up and walking over to one of her shelves. The sound of her boots tapping on the tile floor sounds familiar to him. She comes back over with a small bag handing it to him as he hangs his legs off the side of the chair.

    "Immuno blockers.. DO NOT start taking them right away… From what i could tell..your nerves took to the chrome…extremely well honestly. They're just in case… for now.." She says walking back to other side of the room.

    "Where's Zaunya."

    "Outside.. waiting for you." The woman chuckles before crossing her arms and leaning up against a wall. "She once told me she doesn't wait for anybody anymore." The woman pauses for a while, debating whether or not she should express something before leaving the wall and slowly walking toward Brian with her arms still crossed. "I don't know who you are..but..I honestly haven't seen her like this in well..quite a long time."

    "Like what?" He asks. The woman stops before Brian looking at him deep in his eyes.

    "Alive." She says raising her eyebrows with a serious expression on her face. Brian breaks eye contact as he looks away thinking deeply. The woman walks past him sitting down back at her desk.

    "You were never here. I'm sure that's obvious enough." She says glances up at him before looking back at her computer. "Shes got deets for you." She says gesturing over toward the exit door. Brian finally gets up off of the chair, the weight of his body thuds to the ground with a subtle but heavy impact. The new weight distribution catches Brian off guard as he struggles to regain his balance. He gingerly walks over to an opened locker containing his clothes and gear which he puts on. He makes his way to the exit door before hearing the woman's soft feminine voice speak to him a final time causing him to glance back at her.

    "And don't worry….I'll be seeing you again."

    The door to the exit slides open as Brian walks out.


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