Cyberpunk 2077 | Let's Play | 52

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#Cyberpunk2077 #Cyberpunk #RPG

Hello my friends! Apparently V shouldn’t use random BD headset…enjoy!

Quests: Act 2, I Fought the Law, Gig – Tyger and Vulture

People: V, Johnny Silverhand, River Ward, The Animals, Harold Han, Lucius Rhyne, Weldon Holt, Elizabeth Peralez, Jefferson Peralez, Wakako Okada, Tyger Claws, Vortez, Jonin

Location: Night City, Watson, Red Queen’s Race, Chubby Buffalo’s BBQ, Peralezes’ Apartment, Westbrook

Shards: “Bushido” and Neopostmodernism

Database: Netrunners

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5 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 | Let's Play | 52”

  1. tech lock doors: not always, but sometimes you can hack them open after scanning with Tab.

    also, V is like an evil djinn at this point. "you should be more punctual with wording! Is the shard retreived? Yes! You didn't tell anything about no killing or structural damage in the building!"

    even if you go in guns blazing, you will learn the alternative entry points when exploring. If you remember where these are, it is possible to do a full ghost run on a replay.

  2. Hello there… 🙂

    Why or why You listen to Johnny?? I guess You are lucky that this answer did not close the way to other quest. Ah well…

    Remember that room in the casino with a missing ceiling?? Yeah go back there and loot some loot. 😉

    You are at the drop point. If You would like to take "few" steps to the right and explore or Your own (and not just fast travel to the exact point on the map where there is a gig, ncpd point or a quest) You could find something interesting. I am really, really, really encouraging You to explore the city. You will miss like 40% of this game if You will just use fast travel points and ignore everything else. There is no need to rush. We want You to play this game for over one year. 🙂

  3. LOL…that 'Bushido and Neopost-Modernism' stuff is a beautiful satire on 'criticism' of what is transparently a sex-n-violence exploitation series. Hilarious! Sometimes, if you are unable to open a door one way, scanning it and opening it 'remotely' [like the Scav Apartment at the beginning of the game] is worth a try. Good for finding that BD…I missed it many times in my early games. But all these details are why the game is so worth replaying. I can sure see why River would be mad at his partner, but I fail to understand how somebody could rise to the level of police detective in Night City and not be fully cognizant and inured to the level of corruption all around them. I don't think it's spoiling too much to mention that you'll get a better look at the Peralez penthouse later in the game. Heh…you get a different convo at the casino entrance if V is a corpo. There's a locked door in there you can open with a scan. I'm always disappointed to find nobody in the toilets in this game…although there are a few exceptions I won't spoil… Hehe…this game is a little inconsistent about what you can and can't do in enemy territory…surprise! You have to be very sneaky around TygerClaws. Heh…there's a ton of good loot in that casino, but the real trick is to get though it without hitting any civilians. On one play, I made that mistake and the NCPD showed up and things got pretty intense. What was really fun is that things managed to get calmed down, and the cops wandered around having conversations with the casino patrons. Hilarious! I swear the CDPR devs have thought of stuff we never dreamed of…


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