Cyberpunk 2077 | Let's Play | 04

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#Cyberpunk2077 #Cyberpunk #RPG

Hello my friends! V meets the neighbors…enjoy!

Quests: Act 1, The Ripperdoc, Beat on the Brat, The Gun,

People: V, Jackie Welles, Regina Jones, NCPD, Coach Fred, Robert Wilson, Dexter DeShawn, Garry the Prroophet, Misty Olszewski, Viktor Vektor

Location: Night City, V’s Apartment, Kabuki, Watson, Miisty’s Esoterica, Viktor’s Clinic

Iconic Weapons: Dying Night

Database: Kabuki

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13 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 | Let's Play | 04”

  1. Netrunners are fun to play. You're basically a tech mage: quickhacks are like spells and your cyberdeck is a spellbook. If you want to play around with abilities and perks, there's a build planner on the official website. It'll help guide you in the right direction.

    CDPR has done a good job building out the Cyberpunk universe in the last couple of years: there's the Netflix anime they worked on, a partnership with Dark Horse comics, a novel (the audiobook is read by Cherami Leigh, who voices female V) and recently a boardgame. And there's a live-action production in development.

  2. Check in with old Garry every so often. Trust me.

    In general, it's good to mix side jobs with main quest missions. I'm sure that's not a surprise to you.

    Also, I don't bother to upgrade any Iconic weapons to Legendary until level 50.

  3. TIP 1:

    When fist fighting You can't just stand and waiting for a counter. You need to move and You can punch lower simply by looking lower.

    You will need to use those tactics in Your first fight. It is a surprise so I will not going to spoil for You of course but… before You start any of the fights do a hard save. If You feel that You need to level up because You can't manage to defeat Your opponents then just load back and wait. Those are fight for money and right now You can't afford to lose. The bets are before the fight starts. And if You have enough money You can put dow a higher wager. I recommend doing it that since it is a easy and fast way to earn some eddies. And move, move, move… 😉

    TIP 2:

    When going to Victor Vector – please do take a time to listen to Garry the Prophet. Aside of some funny dialogue You can get a certain quest from him. It is worth of some "hamble donation". 😉

    TIP 3:

    Driving – don't be so negative towards riding. It can be fun even for You. And having a car ready for "combat" is a good thing. But do not worry about that. It will take some time till You get one. Don't look down on the car upgrading perks. You will want to get a couple of those – believe me.

    Riding with a radio on through Night City is pretty fun. Remember to turn ON the radio and choose some stations.

    Preem! 🙂

    For the love of… I beg You – longer episodes – Pretty Please. 🙂

  4. What is going on? before starting this playthrough, I was 100% certain that in 30 minutes, you didn't get out of the building, and you even got to meet Victor?!

    cyberpsychosis: this is when folks go overboard with cyberware, and lose touch with their humanity. Some become delusional (ranging from depression to martyr-complex), some hyper-aggressive, etc.

  5. So many things you hear and see about even early on are going to come up later in this game. The amount of foreshadowing and things you can stumble on is immense.

    I totally recommend talking to Garry and giving him a donation every now and then.

    There's a few other nicely hidden things like that which turn into quests that aren't necessarily marked on the map. For instance, there's a lockup in Santo Domingo (an area you'll be able to access later) which leads to one, and if you go shopping at a certain clothing store a few times you'll get another.

    The most interesting side quests though you receive over the phone where someone calls you.


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