Cyberpunk 2077 Lawsuit Settlement Explained | GameSpot News

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Cyberpunk 2077’s class-action lawsuit has reached a settlement! 
#GamingNews #Cyberpunk2077 #CDProjektRed

Don’t remember CD Projekt Red getting sued? I don’t blame you. Investors filed the suit against the dev back in 2020 – which somehow feels like yesterday and 10 years ago at the same time. Back then,  investors claimed that Cyberpunk 2077’s buggy launch state was hidden from them, thus causing them to lose money.

Now CD Projekt Red will pay out $1.85 million to plaintiffs. This sum covers “settlement administration costs, taxes, attorney’s fees” and more for any investor who purchased a CD Projekt Red stock between January 16, 2020 to December 17, 2020.

That is a TON of money, but on the brightside, at least now CD Projekt Red has another piece of Cyberpunk’s rough launch that they can put behind them. The game has been back on PlayStation for a while now, next-gen versions are out, tons of great updates and fixes have been issued and people love the Netflix anime; things are looking good. Even though the multiplayer component of the game was scrapped in order to focus on those fixes, Night City residents are still getting the Phantom Liberty expansion this year. This will be paid DLC, but CDPR has yet to announce a price.    

And while we’re on the subject of game prices, Dr. Serkan Toto of Kantan Games thinks the industry will see prices increase “across the board”. 

In an interview with, the analyst said that fans should expect price hikes for games, hardware, and subscriptions as studios attempt to make up for rising costs. Nintendo fans might be safe though, as Toto doesn’t believe its hardware prices are going north of where they are now.


47 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Lawsuit Settlement Explained | GameSpot News”

  1. Let this be a lessons learned. EA investors, please follow suit…with another law suit for when they do the same bull. But I guess EA still brings in plenty of money, probably won’t happen.

  2. It baffles me that author thinks 1,85 mln is a ton of money considering how much money the company made off the game's launch using false/misleading marketing. I'd call it getting off easy.

  3. Just picked up the game after the sale. The anime convinced me to give it a chance, and you can see from the player count, that this wasn't just me. The experience is not bad at all, I might say it's even good. There are still some elements that are annoying, but mods helped me to fix most of them. If you are curious about the game, I would totally recommend it, specially if you liked the anime.

  4. So if Cyberpunk 2077s rushed launch saved them WAY more money than this lawsuit took, then they still absolutely came out on top for how they released it. What incentive do they have to do a better launch next time?

  5. sadly we arent likely to get the toher two big paid DLC we were supposed to get ad i forsee another lawsuit over this DLC which they have no way of winning given they gave agreeements in the form of the special xbox oneX that had the game and promised the first DLC as part of the package and now with it only coming to 9th gen consoles they are on the hook for that legally

  6. One of my most satisfying gambling experiences. I admit it, not the best gameplay and performance but the story, characters, soundtrack etc make it up for me. Just wish their launch wasn’t so horrific

  7. I dont know much about all of this, but aren't investors usually a cause of rushed development? I remember hearing about pressure from investors to release products they've invested in, and feel like they could be a reason the game was rushed by CDPR. Poor developers probably just wanted to make a great game and were rushed by CDPR/investors, and many gamers will place responsibility of Cyberpunks let-downs on the devs, rather than higher-ups at CDPR.

  8. enjoying my first week of 2023 gaming like usual and atm currently playing through F122 and eagerly awaiting this months many releases like Dead Space but first of all One Piece Odyssey on the 13th.

  9. we should all just live our lives assuming anyone whos trying to sell you something is probably lying. That's a sad way to live but its better than getting ripped off constantly.

  10. 1.8 million dollars is a TON of money… compared to what? Its pennies in the back seat of a couch compared to the money that was lost.
    CP2077 cost 313 million to develop, has projected revenues of $800 million for about 20 million copies over 2 years. They fell way short of projected profits by over 60%
    CD Projekt's stock has fallen by more than 75% since the disastrous launch of Cyberpunk 2077 in December 2020. That is a 7 billion USD dollar share price drop!

  11. How this game made any money is beyond me. Between the lawsuit, the refunds, the pulling off XBL/PSN stores, the complete lack of an MT store, only one [unreleased] DLC, and the game almost always being on sale for $20 I’m surprised they didn’t file chapter 11.

  12. bruh the part about games going up another $10, i live in UK and remember when you could sometimes get games for £30 and sometimes even £20. I think the sheer difference, is the most erking when in reality i now as an adult have the ability to comfortably buy these higher prices. and nows its just a really strange feeling, where most the time now i just play free to play games, then suddenly the single player game i wanna hop into for a week costs i guess now £60-70? the difference feels insane DX

  13. the price hike is just greed, prices should be lowered with the amount of bugs and glitches new games have, not to talk about the utter lack of imaginability that goes in to them.

  14. Not true about Nintendo fans staying safe, as I believe it was Nintendo themselves hinting that they “may have to increase prices”.

    As a long time gamer I appreciate everyone wanting new games but if we keep buying at high prices then they will keep selling at higher prices. I will not ever buy a new game and full price again


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