CYBERPUNK 2077 Judy's Theme + Rain | Bells of Laguna Bend | Ambient Soundtrack

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Welcome to Cyberpunk 2077’s Night City! Come and watch the city from Judy Alvarez’s apartment rooftop. This peaceful ambience soundtrack video features an extended version of Judy’s theme Bells of Laguna Bend by Paul Leonard-Morgan, with three variations on the city scene; chapter i overlooks the city at night, chapter ii features light rain, and in chapter iii the sun rises over Night City. Feel free to skip to whichever scene suits your mood, or listen to the entire ambient hour.

Use this ambient soundtrack video as some music to aid your focus while you study, inspiration to help you immerse in a scene for writing or art, some background audio to help you sleep – or just sit back, watch, and relax.

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If you have any requests for specific areas in this game, any pieces of soundtrack, or any other walking or ambience videos, leave a comment down below and I’ll see what I can do!


Sounds in this ambience include:
Cyberpunk 2077 OST
Light rain (chapter ii)

0:00 i night
15:54 ii rain night
42:30 iii sunrise

Thank you.

#cyberpunk2077 #bellsoflagunabend


29 thoughts on “CYBERPUNK 2077 Judy's Theme + Rain | Bells of Laguna Bend | Ambient Soundtrack”

  1. This may be an odd request, but could you clip the song that plays when Judy finds Evelyn in the bathroom? It sounds similar to the guitars that play when you go to Johnny’s grave

  2. This moment, when she asked to be alone. It was heart breaking, and at the same time I wanted to be angry about how Evelyn got treated. If I could have I would have given Judy all my Eddie's and told her to get out of night city.

  3. At the diving tour, visit her old hometown in this dark solitude, and then listen to her, about the doll of her childhood-opponent/ person-of-interessed, this "…poor thing, all alone over this time…" has pressed the tears out of my eyes. If you are a real life loner with a lot of bitter experience with untrustworthy people, you will find in this game your moments of peace. Never before i met so special characters as in Cyberpunk 2077.
    It´s like a well painted Artwork on rough canvas.

  4. Good atmosphere game, right timing during winter holyday seasone.
    Thous whining about bugs, c'mon guys like you've never been during 2000-2010 videogame period of terrible optimization and bugs, and non-functionality on ps4 fat version, who could even think that this game will work on Iron of the 2013, cmon! My SuperHot New PC of 2013 couldn't even think to lunch this game.
    Guys, just ENJOY THE GAME!

  5. Well, Judy is the deepest character in the game. You can catch her feelings way better, than other characters. And also (im ru-speaking player) russian voice acting of Judy daaamn, masterpiece. One of the best localisations of all the games. I like it more than the original english one. And also female-V voice acting is good.

  6. cdpr didn't keep it promises, underdelivered the product, but seriously every moment I spent with those characters stories, getting to know them and maybe building up to intimate moment, was worth every single minute spent in night city.

    Thanks for this extended version of the song really helps me wind down from life.

  7. Really wish CDPR would've continued to take their time on this game. If it just cooked in the oven for another year or 2, I think the public reception would be completely reversed. Even with all the problems this game had/has, it means so much to me. This song will always be my favorite, as Judy is my favorite Character. Hopefully, people can experience the game at it's fullest one day, and give it a 2nd chance.

  8. I have absolutely loved this game since launch, even despite all the drama surrounding it. I managed to shut out all the noise and drama and make my own decision about it and man am I glad I did.
    And Judy, man. What do I even say. They sure as hell didn't disappoint with one of the most hyped characters since the beginning. Her story was so good, perfectly leading into the romance, which was wholesome asf (idk how they managed to make a romance scene wholesome and warm but well, CDPR does what CDPR does best I guess), everything was perfect for Judy. I fell in love with her IRL lol. After finishing my first playthrough as female V i tried to play Male V with Panam, but after I was done with Panam's thing I just found myself missing Judy so much I went and made another female V save lol. She brings me so much comfort and alleviates my anxiety in real life and idk how that's even possible but here we are.

  9. I have enjoyed playing as female characters in games where possible including my first playthrough on this, mainly to see the differences in how the developers handled that along with different options available. After i found out I couldn't romance Panam as a female V I thought OK next time I play the game I will play as male V.. However after finishing the game recently and going through all of the experiences with Judy, the lows and the highs of the romance/side quests and becoming so attached to her and being so happy in the relationship with her , I dont think I will be able to play as male V and see her leave. CDPR did an amazing job with character development especially with Judy, who goes through so much (of course as does V), and when she says at the end she is happy, wow, that was so amazing.. and made me happy… during this quest and scene I so wanted the option to talk more to her and try to help her breaking heart

  10. I absolutely love this game. I actually cried during the Pyramid song. The best game I’ve ever played. Such a shame people refuse to appreciate it because of the fail release.


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