Cyberpunk 2077 – Johnny Ending

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Johnny’s ending epilogue in Cyberpunk 2077


26 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – Johnny Ending”

  1. This is one of my favorite ending for two reasons. The change in Johnny’s personality and how he impacts Steve’s life even though he wasn’t part of it for long. The second reason is Steve himself. Not sure why I just like the kid.

  2. This ending is a bit mixed up .. Johnny is at the cemetery talking about Rogue as she died (so I guess is temperance ending) but then we have Mitch talking like it is Aldecaldos ending and Rogue is alive .. anyway .. love the game .. and the ending music is quite special/eerie ..

  3. I didn’t think of this as a truly sad ending. Johnny lives out my life for me. I sacrifice myself for a true friend. And live on in the Cyberspace. The other lost me, sure.. but they loose me anyway. This way Johnny gets to have a second chance.

  4. Does anyone know how to get into the apartment used in this ending I want the outfit Johnny uses and I’m sure it spawns in there just like the other version in Vs mansion😂🤷🏼


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