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Cyberpunk 2077 How to Tag Enemies. Another crucial step to learn in the tutorial as the hero will no doubt need to tag multiple enemies in order to track their movements later on in real life and not just in the simulation, to avoid detection.
hey im on ps4 do you know what controls to press im stuck atm
I am on a PC and having the same issue. I can't tag and move on….
same here on pc . tag key biding does not work.
PS5 here, same issue, couldn't tag – Good thing it could be skipped
Can’t tag nothing
On Pc here .. I changed my keybinding that helped for me.. maybe the game has some issues with mousedrivers etc.. it didnt recongnize my middle mouse button at all.. using logitech mx master 3
Yup, straight up does not work.
For pc is Tab + Scroll Button just found out either after 10 min lol
Yea mines not working either somebody help!
I have a problem here, how to solve the problem , what should I do
Lolol Watch video if you're still stuck, I just got a comment someone watch 6 other tagging videos but mines the only one that helped
stuck in the tutorial, can't tag anything… ok, after going through it all again On the PS4, hold L1 continuously, point at the guys and press R3. three arrows will appear on them, meaning they're tagged. do this for each. good luck.
On Xbox it’s broken too dude 😞
Not working
I got this game for Christmas and it won't Target 🎯 the enemy but I'm playing on ps4 something's not right…. Been stuck on this tutorial part for about 20 minutes now.