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How To Get Johnny Silverhands Robotic Hologram Arm In Cyberpunk 2077
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How to unequip it tho?
“So so u guys wana unlwock”
Just subscribe. Looking forward to the cyberpunk content
Love him or hate him Johnny is a bad ass
I got the arm at the end of tape worm when you clear the stash from the abandoned hotel room. This was when I got the chippin in mission so you have the arm and tank top before the jacket and the rest fyi
i have not done that mission and i have it in my backpack but i also did already finish the main story
You unlock the arm after search and destroy main mission
Dislike because of pathetic begging for likes etc.
So uh mine dissapeared for no reason
Nevermind I found it
Really hope they add panams outfit to the game them jeans are dope
It’s cool but how to you I unequip it
I hope we get a physical vision that we can install on v in one of the dlcs
How do you take it off
whats really depressing is that this is just the equip for when johnny is in takeover mode so its just a placeholder bug that will probably be fixed
I literally JUST sold this fucking arm like yesterday and now I'm watching this video… major facepalm. They make it too easy to accidentally get rid of particularly important or interesting items in this game without proper warning. I'll admit, for about 50% of my playthrough I honestly didn't know what the hell I was doing, gonna need to give this game a proper knowledgeable re-playthrough knowing everything I know now about this game, it's mechanics, what to expect (despite glitches) and how to navigate the UI.
Once it’s on, it won’t come off
Got it thankz
The worst part is I haven't sold a bit of junk and it's never appeared in my inventory
Removed as of patch 1.3 😥
Wow I had it in my original playthrough now it's unavailable after 1.3 🙁 now can't show I'm a first gen player sucks
When u tske off ur cyberwere mods off ur arm it brcomes more visible
i didn’t get the arm did they remove it
I done the misson but I can't see it anywhere?
I never got the arm
didn't get the arm must be glitched.
Finished the chippin in but no arm still
I have his arm equipped but I can’t remove it because it’s not in my inventory anymore
Nope did all the missions and haven't gotten it
Could I have gotten it sooner and sold junk and sold it because I just finished the mission and don’t have it
That’s cool I did that mission never got that arm. It’s unfortunate looks cool though.
I play on ps5 and it hasn't shown up in inventory. I already did the mission but it's not there
Guessing you can no longer unlock this item, okay never mind apparently I have it but it only shows up when I go to sell something.
Here in December 2021 and I can’t equip it anymore. I had stashed it and then picked it back up again from my stash. Now it won’t let me equip it anymore.
I have all of silver hands stuff but I didn’t get the arm
I don’t think you can get it anymore
The arm gets dismantled if you have the scrapper perk in crafting, pretty dumb cd projekt
Doesn’t work anymore, been patched.
After 1.5 update, this doesn't seem to work. Just finished the mission and it's not in my inventory
Just did the mission and didn't get it
didn’t get it someone plz help
Completed tapeworm and chippin in and got nothing.
I did the mission but don’t have the arm in my inventory? Any ideas? Did they remove it from the game?
Is doesn't work no more
I have completed the tapeworm mission and chipping in and never got this item really disappointed.
Apparently one of the update patches removed this. I just completed the quests. Got Johnny’s jacket, gun, and car. But there is no arm in my inventory. I didn’t delete or remove anything. The arm is just not there. I believe it was but i guess one of the patches removed this feature/reward which totally sucks. But i love this game no matter what. So it doesn’t make a difference to me. Just spreading the word in case anyone else is wondering why they don’t see the arm in their inventory.
Great informative video though. I wish i saw this a year agi, i could have been rocking Johnny’s arm, but it’s all good.
bruh I can't remove johnys arm effect on my backpack
Dam so it was a glitch that they removed ?
Oh so thats what it was… Yea i sold it :l
I did everything and don't have the arm what the heck?