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Cyberpunk 2077 has come a long way since it’s E3 2018 deep dive demo. Take a look at how the E3 gameplay developer walkthrough compares to the PC version, pre day 1 patch.
Developed by CD Projekt Red, Cyberpunk 2077 is a enormous open world adventure game that puts players in the shoes of V, a mercenary of sorts who does what he needs to in order to survive in the futuristic and Cyberpunk flavored Night City.
Ps4 better then pc
Left is my outdated pc
Seems like the e3 demo was made around base last consoles
The matter of fact that it look better than the E3 demo makes this game and the developers much more great
The AI is kind of dumb though. I shot a enemy and walked up to his friend that was hiding behind cover and he didn’t do anything so I beat him to death.
Only if 3rd person cut scenes were still there…
Surprised this is allowed on YouTube with the nudity
Yh its a clear downgrade
Console version looks like dozen of pixels running around.
Wtf… is it me or the retail looks better 😮
In my regular ps4 however it looks like a ps2 game 😭😭
Yeah, let's compare how much we have improved the game in two years by showing that titi mission!!
As a Playstation owner i am crying…
gwent ?
Well this is on pc, the problem is the last gen consoles
The only problem is that they kept upgrading to the point where they surpassed the systems they were targeting to release on at a playable state.
It's not a bug,its a feauture !
I feel so bad for console players especially on last gen
Now try making a video where you compare the E3 2018 Demo vs the PS4-XB1 version. Then we'll talk!
Damn that upgrade
Notice how the E3 demo looks great on the current gen consoles. What Tf happened?
Game looks nice but the changes don't really scream next gen to me. It's maybe the best of last gen visually though.
Everything has changed
Really miss that old crosshair 😔
Crowbat is gonna have fun
lol 30 fps 3080 :_(
That can't be from 2018, there's no bugs! 😬
If only it looked this smooth on console
Who cares about graphical downgrades? The real problem with this game is the forgettable gameplay, endless bugs that will take CDPR years to fix as usual, lame cultural stereotypes that make no sense, and horrible performance even on PC.
You know it’s great when it looks better than the E3 demo loving it so far on pc, ehm ehm…… Ubisoft should take notes