Cyberpunk 2077: Have We Forgiven CDPR At This Point?

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Between Cyberpunk 2077 going on sale for $5 and The Witcher 4 coming in Unreal Engine 5, it’s got me thinking about the lasting damage of the Cyberpunk launch on CDPR, or the lack thereof, in certain cases. Some stuff to unpack about where we are now.

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27 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077: Have We Forgiven CDPR At This Point?”

  1. I remained very curious to play it because of the aesthetic, and the world building, but I was not about to pay full price with all of the bad rep it got. I waited for the Next Gen upgrade to play it on my Series S and a sale on it, 50% off, and ngl it was a very well spent 30 bucks, very very few minor bugs, like 2 or 3 through my whole playthrough.

  2. It might be fine game and all but honestly they dont EVER deserve forgiveness for that launch. Make them never live that down, do not let people get away with that kind of crap. The question is, do they deserve a second chance? And i think.. well sure why not? at this point for me i wont play it because : A) i dont think my pc can run it lol and B) the audacity to ask for full price after this long and sucha terrible impression its made? Really?? and finally C) its about the principle.

    They released and marketed a game in THAT state and expected me to pay full price. That is literally my first impression of CDPR, i didnt care to play the witcher games that genre isnt too up my alley but the praise was high, and so i had high but reasonable expectations, i figured it was going to be a cool cyberpunk GTA game. But of course… the hype train of course has no brakes. Idk why but the whole time leading up to it, the delays, the marketing, just watching it passively.. i just had a gut feeling to wait on it, im fine with playing the games i have rn im very stingy with what games i buy and pour time into, time and money are very valuable to me. I'll wait and see if its good.. and hoo boy we all know how that went.

    I do not doubt for a second that the story is probably some of the best in class, or that the gameplay is fun. But I will not consider buying this game until either I see that this game is getting care and attention for a redemption arc similar to No Man's Sky, nothing short of that if they want me to be remotely interested in their future endeavors. But if they cant do that, I'll buy it when its the least amount of money i can buy it for on steam, get the cool story out of Cyberpunk and never think about CDPR again.

  3. In my opinion it's not a CDPR vs. Cyberpunk 2077 issue; the lesson to be learnt is N-E-V-E-R E-V-E-R Pre-Order a game, or anything really !!! Think about it for a second, the Frod motor company (a huge, loved and respected company) announces that they are developing a new sports car, lets say they choose to call it Mustang or Piranha or Capri or whatever (depends on your age I guess). Frod thinks it will be ready in around two years, and they have been working on it a while.
    You don't run to a dealer the very next chance you get to pre-buy one, just to pre-install it in your carport a day or so before it ships from the factory. Then when it appears in engine leaks oil like an old tractor, it has no windscreen and only three wheels, of which one is on the roof. Yet no one wants to take responsibility. Not the dealer, not the loved and respected Frod company, no one who test drove the the car, they got some another version or a alternative build from a different factory.
    Has the likes of Ubihard and RoundEnix thought us nothing? N-E-V-E-R E-V-E-R Pre-Order anything, wait a month or three, he11, wait six, you are going to have a much-MUCH better experience, or save yourself a ton of heartache.

  4. I enjoy Cyberpunk a lot more now than I did but I still wish that your backstory choice, nomad, street kid, corpo, meant more. I was initially against a strictly 1st person perspective because why have customization if you can't see it but then again, I also play Destiny 2 so that didn't end up being as big of a deal

  5. I want them to just keep adding stuff to the game for the next 10 years and make Night City one of the most complex and engaging settings in gaming. The potential is there, but right now, short of starting the game again I have few reasons to go back to it. I just want to hang out in that world more than anything.

  6. I won't forgive until I see actual train cars on the monorail system 😡 looks so dumb having it throughout the city but nothing there 🤷

  7. I kind of disagree. I think Cyberpunk Needs to turn around so that the IP's reputation can be recovered. And I think that Cyberpunk made more than enough cash to warrant the brand investment. I'm sure that Witcher 4 will be a success either way, but that's not good enough. CDPR want a second major IP and fixing Cyberpunk is far easier than starting over.

    They need a Cyberpunk 2.0 that has some new story content, but mainly a ton of QOA changes. That means added side quests, car customization, new guns/armor, improved player customization (like the alternative arms modders added), and maybe even some improvements to the main story gameplay.

    Enough to convince most people that the game is worth playing Again now that it's not only fixed, but it's finished. That's the only way I can see Cyberpunk 2 getting the anywhere near the popularity of the first. And this of course all needs to be Free. They can have paid story DLC after maybe, but they will be laughed out of the room if they try to sell an update right now. The risk is not worth it.

  8. Why would we?
    They've done bare minimum with CP2077 in 16 months.
    Still no NG+, still no Expantions, RPG system is still a shallow bunch of generic passives, enemies remain extremly dumb and there's no variations of them at all, still zero purpose for all these cars besides pointlesly driving around. I can go on.
    If adding couple worthless apartments, throwing knives and fixing bugs + improving perfomance is enough for some of you to forget about the disaster of the release – DON'T YOU dare say a single word ever again about any terrible release.

  9. My short answer is No. Long answer is Not happening for the foreseeable future. 9hrs on Steam and i didn't enjoy any despite my friend assuring me it gets better. Hopefully someone else finds a game they enjoy.

  10. The game is finally in a place where I'm willing to check it out, but CDPR's rep is in the shitter until I see what they do next. That's just how it works. They had ALL the trust in the world. I loved all the previous Witcher games (when they released… the first one is pretty butts nowadays), and I was always a fan of GOG, and their whole thing about offering people downloadable, DRM free files of the things we purchase. They accumulated a lot of good will from me over the years, and then Cyberpunk came out and they flushed it all away.

    I always figured Cyberpunk would get to a better state EVENTUALLY, but no matter how good it gets, it doesn't change how they straight up lied to console players and tried to get everyone's money before we all realized wtf was going on. That is some TRULY scummy shit. So for now, CDPR is a trash company, but we'll see how they do in the future. I will hold on to my skepticism, but if the next Witcher comes out and it's excellent and they don't totally shit the bed again, I can see myself lightening up a little. It'll take a long time to get back to where they were though.

  11. No, they got away with it. They got 100s of millions selling a lie and I have no doubt that if put in the same situation again that they would make the EXACT same decision to release a broken game that to this day doesn't even come close to the promises made.

  12. I still haven't and they didn't really apologize to us they didn't apologize for all the false marketing that was going on with the gane and they showed off demos that was so deceptive they didn't apologize to us for that and they didn't apologize to the reviewers for not letting them show there own gameplay footage will forgive them when the game become what they promised and advertised it to be.

  13. no, we haven't, cyberpunk was unfinished dog shit with the worst paced story i've ever experienced, less meaningful impact and choices on a gameplay AND story level than a sesame street ps1 game, and more bugs than the god damn amazon in the summer. If witcher 4 hits even better than witcher 3 at launch (yeah that was rough too) then maybe we can look forward, but until then HELL NO they absolutely bulldozed their reputation, even if the game was bug free it was so fucking shallow and lackluster in all but looks and world design.

  14. I had a blast playing at launch on the xbone with a hacker build. I said it was a fun game plagued by technical bugs, a few narrative fumbles, and a host of quality of life issues that just shouldn’t’ve been there from the design phase onward. Now, it’s got fewer bugs, it’s had some minor quality of life improvements for consoles (still no new game plus), and whatever issues I had with the story are still mostly there, but it’s still fun to jump into the world and have fun for an hour or two every now and then.


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