Cyberpunk 2077: Glitches and Bugs and Dildos, Oh My! with Adam Sessler

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Cyberpunk 2077 is full of bugs and bright spots, and Adam Sessler has THOUGHTS (and some feelings) about the dildos specifically.

Welcome to Sesslerpunk, where Adam goes through Cyberpunk 2077’s story, character design, and gameplay. He ALSO addresses the glitches, bugs, and SHEER NUMBER OF DILDOS in the game before answering the ULTIMATE question – How do we feel about Keanu Reeves?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments, if you’ve played Cyberpunk, and if you’re a fan or not.

Dear marketing, you should probably change the passwords on the old YouTube. You wouldn’t want old talent like me to be able to upload whatever they want, right?

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28 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077: Glitches and Bugs and Dildos, Oh My! with Adam Sessler”

  1. I played on PS4 and I only had vanity issues. Game played fine, some texture renders took a second. Maybe Jackie pulled a pistol out of his head instead of a chip. Only major issue I got was the periodic crashes once in awhile.

    Anyway, I know it wasn't ready, but, I'm satisfied with this as an open beta.

  2. So missed you Adam. So many great games XPlay missed. Monster Hunter World, Borderlands 3, Persona 5, and so many more. Time to give the games that Adam Love again.

  3. I like how his setup is retro from the xbox 360,wii,PS3 Era. He was young then and now an old man still rockin in his 40's.

    Last review that i seen was no more heroes and was introduce to G4 with Ninja Blade review on the 360.

  4. Why am I just learning about this 6 months later, YouTube? I remember watching TechTv, I remember Adam leaving the arcade for the last time, I remember Extended Play. TTV/G4 was there for me through a real awkward teenage and young adult phase of my life. Now that I'm 33 and a financial analyst, I'm so glad G4 is back. Not for me, no. I've moved on. But to a new generation of nerds. Enjoy my friends.

  5. As a person that adored Cyberpunk, this is probably the only review I fully agree with. I play on a pretty average PC with a potato graphics card but I had a pretty glitchless 350 hours. I really feel for the console players tho. Glad you pointed out how it's been a giant target of negativity and how its really draining, because it's an amazing game. Now but especially after it'll be fixed. 🙂

  6. Hyper-fixation on sex (ie; dildos) is actually a common trope in cyberpunk and dystopian films because it's the last bastion of natural antidepressant that the corpos exploit instead of stomp out in an often depressing worldscape. This is explored even more in the cyberpunk comic Transmetropolitan. In contrast, in the false-Utopian genre, akin to cyberpunk, sex is either highly controlled or eliminated, because the focus isn't on short term exploitation related to masochistic dominance fantasies but rather long term control related to faulty idealism.
    The "joke" in the cyberpunk genre is that the number of dildos and sex-fixations aren't really more prevalent, they're just more exposed and out in the open, because as society delves deeper into collective depression, society as a whole becomes more tolerant of pain-relief seeking measures and desperate measures, to the point of normalizing unhealthy fixations (which already exist) and even promoting them (ie; Max Headroom).


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