Cyberpunk 2077 Gay Gamers – Glitching Outta WATSON

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Support the stream: This is a Gay Gaming Live Stream of Cyberpunk 2077. We’re gay gaming live w/ CORPO V in his attempt at the big HEIST! Join the adventure, gaymers & gay gaming youtubers!

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✅ Cyberpunk 2077 Gay Gamers – Initiating CORPO V
✅ Gay Gamers (Days Gone) Intro FREAKER Chaos
✅ Gay Gamers (Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order) Intro FALLEN ORDER
✅ Gay Gamers (Assassin’s Creed Odyssey) INTRO to Greece
✅ Red Dead Redemption 2 Gay Gaming – INTRO & CHAPTER 1
✅ Cyberpunk 2077 Gay Gaming – INTRO & NOMAD’s PATH
✅ Gay Gamers (Assassin’s Creed Valhalla) INTRO & Rescue
✅ Gay Gamers (Assassin’s Creed Origins) INTRO, SIWA & UNICAMEL
✅ Gay Gaming (Final Fantasy X) INTRO & Besaid Island
✅ Gay Gaming (Final Fantasy 6) INTRO & Terra’s Woke

Character Identity Mechanics: Throughout the game I will be rolling for the identities of all the PCs and/or major NPCs

V – cis ( dyadic m & male [he] ) / romantically to m / sexually to m

Sex (1d10):
1-2: dyadic female
3-4: intersex female
5-6: androgyn
7-8: intersex male
9-10: dyadic male

Gender (1d20):
1-4: female (she)
5-6: demi female (she)
7: polygender (they)
8: agender (Name)
9: intergender (she/he/they)
10: genderfluid (she/he/they)
11: genderqueer (they)
12: pangender (they)
13: bigender (she/he/they)
14: graygender (they)
15-16: demi male (he)
17-20: male (he)

If gender ≠ sex, then trans.
If gender = sex, then cis.

Romantic/Physical Attraction (1d12 + Ace roll):
1-3: to female/feminine
4: poly
5: cetero
6: pan
7: omni
8: questioning
9: bi
10-12: to male/masculine

Ace (1d8):
1-4: non-ace
5: demi
6: gray
7: ace
8: cupio (physical only or REROLL)


Hello friends! I’m Alex a.k.a. Classic Gaymer! I’m a video gamer, geek, table top & board gamer, cosplayer, and LARPer from Atlanta, Georgia. My mission is to increase LGBTQIA+ visibility and representation in the YouTube gaming community, twist stories via my gaymer goggles, & show that even in video games… Love is Love . I’ve been playing video games most of my life and I instantly became a huge fan of role playing and action video games. I want to share my goofy gaymer realness with you, and let this channel be a platform for all of us. 😛 As always… Love, Live, Play!

Inspired by other gaymers & gay gaming YouTubers. Wishing them the best.
#gaymers #gaymer #gaygaming


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