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Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Featuring Free Roam Gameplay including all the Free Roaming, Driving, Combat and more Cinematics and Sound Effects. Hope you Guys enjoy it, Thumps if u liked it and Subs if u loved it 🙂
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Also playing it on the ps4 pro. It's ok but not more. Sometimes it's really grainy and blurry. Compared to Spiderman or other Open world game it's really not good. Hope they will fix it soon… A third person would be nice. I mean you have to hide often in battles. Hiding in first person makes no sense. You can't see shit
Im glad this can run on a playstation
Does worth if I buy it on ps4 pro? Cause ps4 version is trash
Is it in 60fps?
I bought it for my pro but either way when you get p5 your playing it either way if you. Bought it already.
I know we shouldn't put too much hope into something but objectively Cyberpunk 2077 is just a medium RPG game (not really a masterpiece). I don't know too much about story but its gameplay and world are not extraordinary at all -_-
Talk about animation, it's not natural or realistic, driving is something weird like Watch Dogs :)))
Talk about graphics, it's beautiful but doesn't enough to get to a whole a new level in game market now, especially in 2020, 2021
Talk about city, it looks empty, pedestrians feel emotionless, this thing can't compare to GTA V
Talk about amount of endings, choices, customize characters, they are not new in many games in recent years. -_-
I don't say Cyperbunk 2077 is a bad or bullshit game, it's a good game, but it's not worth for about 8 years waiting, for a game comes after The Witcher 3 -_-
Not bad at all. I was expecting way worse based on FB comments
hey man how is performance overal now that youre a bit further into the game like fps and crashes ?
Looks good graphically..think ill wait for gamepass or cyberpunk 2277 though 🤣
Do you know what FPS can it run on PS4 Pro?
Fps ?
i hope on ps5 its will better
Do u have frame rate drops ?
So its basically the Fallout 76 of 2020?
Here from levitation 4d anyone?
Feels like this game is under quarantine as well. I still have a bad taste after fallout 76.
Lifeless city.
I don't have reflections on my car. Just some grainy something and I have turned off everything. Weird.
GTA rpg 😀
The damage of the car are better on GTA V for ps3
What are your aim controls? I’ve been playing with mine and they’re way to weird and hard to aim with
So trees survived till 2077
Damn this looks pretty good a lot of people were saying it looked disgusting and bad but it looks just fine for me can’t wait to play
Nice vidéo my friend 👍👍
What the hell are those graphics, GTA V on PS3 was better looking than this shit. I just bought it today big mistake!
Can I Use This Gameplay For Intro And Outro In My YouTube Video 🙂 With Credits.