Cyberpunk 2077: First Patch 1.6 Feature Teased! Transmog Incoming?

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Cyberpunk 2077 twitter account teased one of the upcoming new features for Patch 1.6 and thats transmog it seems.

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LastKnownMeal, 2022.


40 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077: First Patch 1.6 Feature Teased! Transmog Incoming?”

  1. I hope they don't screw up the textures trying to implement transmog in Cyberpunk. I still remember just how badly Witcher 3's post release transmog system screwed up the hi-def textures on the armor sets. Someone had to make a mod to put those quality textures back in.

  2. Why are people concerned with clothing stats? 1.5 made the game a bit harder and I'm using mods that make it even harder, yet I still choose style over stats, and I'm not a "pro player" in the slightest.

    Also, complaining about style in cp2077 is like playing a WWII game and complaining about the uniforms of your chosen faction. Look at the npc's in the game. That is the fashion in the cyberpunk world.

  3. Towards the end of the game I just went fashion over stats lol. I felt like I could still deal with enemies failry well but hell yeah transmog.

  4. Want the Neon Dystopia to be the best it can be. Love your well informed, thought provoking videos LKM. Looking forward to seeing the other franchises you cover! Excited for Geeked and Summer Game Fest?! 😃

  5. There are eating and drinking animations in the game, too: it's prominent in several of the story interactions, such as Jackie eating when he tells V about Dex, or the rotund bouncer guy in the streetkid intro who is eating a burger. Making tea or coffee in the new aparments also has a drinking animation, and there's the "knock back shot of tequila" animation also from the streetkid intro. Oh, and the Panam beer animations. 😁 I like the consumable effects: using the food really cuts down on healing-inhalers between battles. The carry weight booster and ram jolt are nice too, especially early on where ram jolt is the only way to do some of the quickhacks depending on your build.

  6. I’ve uninstalled cyberjunk until they increase the max FOV of 50 on next gen hardware. That’s the lowest FOV in any game ever I think. It’s abysmal 😂

    A first person game should have basic FOV settings or not be so low by default, driving sucks and u have no peripheral vision.

  7. i dont really see much point in it since game is like 96% first person anyways
    and i swear to god if you reply to me and give me the whole ''mirrors and bike'' excuse i will freaking flip out

  8. I’d rather have more content and the ability to respec my attributes as opposed to loading an earlier save and doing all the content again.
    I do have to say, I’m the beginning you do look positively foolish.

  9. I honestly expected some nice drinking animations on release.
    Because its all about first person and immersion. But its actually not immersive at all. Sadly.
    And the ability to sit on a chair would also be nice. lol.

  10. Off Topic ..busy completing farcry6 and wow NPCs are CRAZY! People gave CDPR so much crap for their NPC yet holly cow Farcry is worse! I personally think that for CPDR's first venture outside of the witcher it wasn't too bad considering cyberpunk is a completely different game to the witcher. I will always support a company that tries something new and fail over just regurgitating old content…

  11. It's insane to me that they still haven't even considered third person with all of this expansive customization that we hardly ever get to see. If Hello Games, a 12 MAN TEAM can do it with no man's sky, then this multi-million dollar company with over a hundred people can pull it off. 😔

  12. The transmog system should not even be something that is asked for or needed. In the world of cyber punk , a world driven by desire and limitless imagination, customization and body modification, where are you can practically do anything to your body and wear anything you can imagine… That World already confirms the existence of customization on every level you can think of. That’s literally at the core of the cyberpunk world. So it goes to point out another reiteration of the failure of the project. Not trying to get into good or bad here… Just speaking critically to the facts.

    I think early on in this projects life cycle when it was approached with a more genuine RPG design, that was the intent. I guarantee you Mike Pondsmith was talking with the team on a regular basis to ensure bringing this immersive potential into reality. Funny how you don’t hear much from Mike anymore these days, I don’t think I’ve heard anything from him says the project released for the most part🤔🤔🤔
    anyway, the decisions that were made or had to be made had such a negative impact on the realization of both the cyberpunk world and your access to it. The current game screams potential at every corner, every nook and cranny you can literally see the potential of what could be, of what should be, maybe even what was intended originally… But you just can’t access it. It’s wasted potential.

    I have to believe when the project was originally pitched in those early years of 2012 or 2011 or whatever, that there was an understanding to some general sense of what it would mean to bring a world like this to life. A world built on customization to a ridiculous scale. But if your intent was to immerse people in that world, that’s at the core of the world, you’re going to have to literally make that a corner stone of your design foundation. So it just goes to show how much is messed up here that we look forward to or even ask for a more extensive customization option in a world that is literally built off of customization at its core. To have the cyberpunk world is to have the cyber punk customization aesthetic. If you miss that, then your world is a sham… A cheap knock off… A picture behind the window.

    Just my two cents

  13. If they don’t add 1 of the following, this game is a waste of further making an expansion/dlc for, just drop it today. Car customization, police ai, heists, racing, open world activities, character customization/cyber ware enhancing, companions. If they do t add any of this, this is a waste of time. I’ve been here since day 1 optimistic with 1000+ hrs but this is getting ridiculous. Worst support of a game I’ve seen in a long time. That’s a fact.

  14. I hope the police system gets rework in the update too. Cause thats one of my biggest complaints it really takes away the immersion. Also they really need to make changes with Korevnikov maybe change it to an inhaler animation something that we could use more often as is way easier.

  15. last patch for 2022?
    they havent done anything yet wtf
    if they are wasting time on transmog,this game is dead.
    no new game plus,no real new content.
    time to flog witcher 3 again…


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