Cyberpunk 2077 – Finding Mr Blue Eyes Spying on V and Jefferson

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During the mission dream on when you have to meet Jefferson you can see Mr Blue Eyes watching from the balcony, He is a dark mysterious character who has a really interesting story, Mr blue eyes, Jefferson and Garry the prophet all have the same ring on their fingers. I will be looking into more of mr blue eyes and his mysterious story.

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12 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – Finding Mr Blue Eyes Spying on V and Jefferson”

  1. Mr. Blue Eyes is just a controlled person. That's why he's eyes are constantly "on". Other NPC's eyes just flash as they go into temporary communication. This guy is in communication permanently. Like the doll that was sent to see you toward the end of the game, but had Hanako controlling her temporarily, so she could talk to you "incognito".

  2. Thanks for the vid.
    I totally missed the guy and only knew about it after reading the wiki.
    Nice touch CDPR.

    Too bad thats ALL there is to this quest line, no happy ending, no beating the mysterious baddies, no freeing teh poor Peralezes, no closure.
    Jefferson ended up a paranoid wreck in the ending credits, even became distrustful of his loving wife!

  3. Its really a shame this was the most interesting story line for me. Feels like it was cut short, I wouldn’t be surprised if they continue this plot in future dlc

  4. Interesting thing about the ring.
    Maybe Garry was once a controlled agent who snapped or is a double agent that only pretends to believe in conspiracies to take out those who get too close to the truth, or to take out false leads


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