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Johnny Silverhand sacrifices himself to save V. Becoming a living legend of Night City and the boss of the Afterlife. V attempts to pull off the space casino heist, that would make him the Emperor of Night City. Ask for Rogue’s help ending.
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#cyberpunk2077 #Ending
This ending was pretty cool in my opinion, let me know what you guys think in the comments. If you enjoyed the video you should subscribe, trust me xD
To me I think all endings will be canonical. Alt and Johnny or alt and V are going to find a way to come back to V or Johnny respectively. Or Panama and V will return to alt somehow to find a cure. The secret lies in cyberspace and the AIs there. How delamain lost control and his AIs because sentient. That’s how the progression of AI is happening in cyberspace. They’re going to become free. Johnny and V are the messiahs for them. Alt is the goddess who seeks freedom. The corpos are the demons who’ve enslaved the matrix (the real world and night city).
V went beyond being a legend. He’s doing feats that will be remembered in cyberpunk world. If this is his end , He went out not with a bang but with a nuclear explosion. Morgan black hand, Adam smasher , johnny silver hand and V. They’ll forever become names remembered by everyone.
Plot twist: Lucy is on the station and V is sent to kill her.
the david martinez ending
go out a legend
I didn't expect the last part of the credits to just have a character drew 3 stands in jojo stardust crusaders. Truly a jojo reference in the game.
Just finished the game, pissed I didn’t get this ending
So does v live?
I feel like after V returns to his body, he’s gonna be talking to Johnny in his head a lot, only to remember he’s not there.
Why at points does it say Johnny's name when V is talking is that supposed to be intentional?
I think this is the best ending, reputation and Johnny redemption paying off
I know people do prefer the Panam ending, but something about this one hit me different. With Panam I felt like I left a a couple of loose ends. But with this, I left on good terms with Judy, Johnny an I truly became great friends and helped each other. Being in space realising I was about to go finish what Johnny started. Just felt triumphant as fuck. I don't know, I really have no way of explaining that feeling when you see V's face as he/she goes towards the space station with that great music.
Mr. Blue Eyes is implied to be involved in the Jefferson Peralez shady biz. Based on the shady van you find guarded by anonymous gangoons and gadgets, one can surmise that he knows how to override and overwrite the human brain on a cellular level. This must tie in with the chance of survival that is offered to V in the meeting at the Afterlife, given that V themselves has been a victim of psyche overwriting.
What remains after this ending is indeed a mystery, but it is hopeful. If not from this, then from Misty's tarot reading.
She has never read wrong. Not once.
I'd say this is the most canon ending of them all
This is one of the more open ended endings so i expect more from it eventually
I don’t understand what happened at the end, why did V I’ll put a gun? What was he going to do
How did you get Judy to stay in night city? I got this exact same ending except she left me and the city. Is there certain dialog you have to choose at the apartment?
19:54 a thing of beauty…
Amazing game wow loved it
This ending all other endings… it all just feels wrong.
Man I’m upset, my first play through I did the nomad ending and was happy but I wanted to switch it up and said “Fuck it let’s see what happens when I let Johnny takeover” but then it gave me the choice to give V back the body and I thought: “Hmm Johnny probably would do that since he’s done what he wanted to and lost everyone he cared for. So V will have months to live so maybe in my mind he’ll spend them with Panam and basically do what happened in the Nomad ending and move away” BUT NO THEY FORCED V TO WANT TO BE A NIGHT CITY LEGEND TO THE END. I mean it was cool, I thought that shit went hard in space but I would’ve liked the option to leave with Panam as well because I would’ve immediately done that. Then again, I guess they knew people would pick that probably :/
Would you know what would hit even more?..
Jackie saying something in the final scene when the music comes on.
The takeaway from this universe, the game AND edge-runners:
Forget happy endings, they’re for suckers. Live for the moment and die a legend.
I do get that the Aldecaldo's ending is the best one for V, but this one feels like Arasaka paid for everything, Johnny got his revenge and V became the legend he wanted to be.
So, the same as don't fear the reaper?
Better Than ragnarok
20:06 The moment when I heard "We never fade away" I got tear in mine eye
Imagine if Lucy saw V from outside her window.
i just finished the game and it blows my mind that there is a ending like thiis the music and the moments were so on point!
If this ending wasn't so open-ended, I'd say it was the best one undoubtably. This ending gives what V and Jackie wanted in the first place: to become Night City Legends; and it also gives what Johnny wanted: for the seeds for Alasaka's fall to be planted, and the shaking of the corpotocracy to begin. V essentially killed two birds in one stone for the two biggest people in his life.
Perhaps this is the ending that the upcoming expansion will be about? Or maybe they'll officially make this the canon ending, and then continue it in the announced sequel (which is code-named "Orion" btw. Hmm…a code name related to space while the ending that is most open ended takes place in space? Coincidence? I THINK NOT
how did you get this ending
Well is V died in this ending?
I don’t want character creation, just character customization. The models suck.
These cyberpunk stories don't ever seem to end well…
i love that music at 6:50
its kinda weird to interact our own custom character cool too
This was my fist platinum, after resident evil 7. I had so much fun doing workarounds because of the early softlocks. 😄
You know How that whould have been more epic? If Johnny and V fighted to be the one who sacrifices himself to save the other.
This is where my last Cyberpunk build ends and my next character in StarField begins!!
I swear in my version I heard different music with little bits of chippin in echoing every now and then
i like that no matter how hard you try, V will always be destined to die.
it's just how you approach your time to say goodbye and do something meaningful.