Cyberpunk 2077 – Edgerunners – This Fffire

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Cyberpunk Edgerunners – Anime


5 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 – Edgerunners – This Fffire”

  1. I commented this on the official channel as well:
    David Martinez will go out with a bang, like Jackie. I can feel it. His drink at the Afterlife in Cyberpunk 2077 kinda confirms it… That final shot where the figure is towering over him with a gun in hand, its silhouette almost like a building, with images of megatowers, corporations, etc.. within it. Probably a visual metaphor that the city will be the death of David 😉

  2. It's pretty funny to read IGNORAMUS comments on CP2077 channel that the song don't fit "cyberpunk" theme. Last time I checked, plenty of cyberpunk movies & anime didn't even used anything remotely close to typical "synthwave" music. This is basically SAMURAI/Refused songs hating all over again (until they really really like it). People need to watch GITS or Psycho Pass or even Cowboy Bebop (with straight up Jazz theme music) & see if there is OP & ED songs with freaking synthwave… YEP…

    On the account of the song itself. The whole song literally about "BURN THE CITY." Literally one of the biggest theme of Cyberpunk 20xx lore. Also Franz Ferdinand is a "Post-Punk" band. They are just as punk as Refused/SAMURAI.


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