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Cyberpunk 2077 Crashing on Load Screen Fixed! – A quick Cyberpunk 2077 vid going over how to fixing Cyberpunk 2077 crashing on load for Nvidia Cards. Right off the Cyberpunk 2077 download I ran into an issue where after character creation Cyberpunk 2077 was crashing and then would fail to load after the crash. Luckily I was able to stop/fix the Cyberpunk 2077 crashing error by simply updating my Nvidia drivers. Its a simple fix but if you’re like me I paniced the second I saw the game wasn’t loading. Hope this helps! Now back into Night City
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This doesn't help, the game crashes regardless of what nvidia patch I have. Everyones talking about the GOG startup crash but no one is talking about this one when its effecting alot of steam players.
AMD 6800 XT, doing the same thing. I have the latest drivers. Super pissed at CDR and AMD for this.
this did help me, and if you need more help then this reinstall your drivers i did this and it worked
THANK YOU! This fixed my crash!
Me I'm fairly pissed the game keeps crashing on me Within 5 to 10 seconds when being in game I'm doing the nomad and jack can't even get in the car without it crashing I really hate when things like this happen
hey where is that “keep going bro” guy?
why so many dislikes? 🧐
I updated my new drivers switched off the damn overlay and its still crashing…
My game is flickering
THIS is the video that fixed it. Windows Auto Updates didn’t detect an issue so thank you for pointing this out
What about amd?
Got an Nvidia Card, updated it just now. Game crashes as I go to create my character..
Thank you so much!! I had the exact same issue and this fixed it.
SOLUTION For some: If youre using AMD CPU try turning on the PBO in bios settings! It helped!
least the game loaded for you it crashes as soon as i hit the play button
You really came through for me. Thank you!
Anyone elses game doesnt load and screen goes black? I died in the game first time and the game went black when reloading from checkpoint. I shut the game down and restarted it, and never been able to load my game again. Black screen on loading screen
Also i have the cyberpunk update for nvidia
Thanks for the video but this doesn't fix my problem, my game crash to desktop when i'm creating my character so i can't even enter in the game and all my drivers are already updated.
I hope that CD Project Red release a new patch to fix this issues, but to be honest this happen too with Red Dead Redemption 2 and it's famous "GFX State Error" so the quality control of the PC games in the last 2 years has been a total disaster.
Interesting, my nvidia Geforce does say update available.. will try that.
Odd that there's only now an update from nvidia for a game that's been in development for so long
What I noticed is that if I even go into the settings menu in the game it will crash the game when it loads and on startup. This is a game breaking bug.
My fix is to delete the userSettings.json file under AppData/local/CD Projekt Red/Cyberpunk 2077.
For me the game will not run if I change any setting or even go into the settings menu.
I did this and restarted my computers and still get this crash.
what a good tip the best ever…
bro i using ryzen amd 3200g apu, gpu of radeon vega 8 and it is the same issue can you help me out
Any recommendations for console? Im on ps4
I have the same problem as you. With the difference that when the game crashes, my monitor resets because the nvidia drivers crash and then repair. When the screen turns on I can see the desktop and a wonderful message that CP77 flatline. I downloaded the latest drivers for the GTX 1080 and it didn't change anything. I have reinstalled them and it doesn't work either. I have to wait for nvidia to fix its mistake which occurs due to their laziness because I don't want to believe that they are already ignoring the 4-year-old 10th series of their cards. I know that the game is not in perfect condition, but when an important game has its premiere, graphics card manufacturers release special drivers and in this case they have not checked their stability on all graphics cards.
I’m on ps5 and it’s stuck even deleted it and reinstalled
guys I reinstalled drivers with 'driver booster' and this did'nt work…I have to do with geoforce expirience?
my game can't load saved game for some reason… is there a fix for that on pc?
Thank you very much! this fixed my problem:)
Jesus I hate these retarded videos that just say to update drivers, really think people haven’t updated their drivers?
If you're talking updating to 460.79 then great, I updated to 460.89 recently and it crashed every time I loaded my game (not launching, only when I selected load or continue in menu), so I downgraded back to 460.79 and working again. Good luck to cdpr in the lawsuit 😂
On PS5. Only way it’s workings is this
1. Uninstall game
2. Reinstall and cancel the patch update
3. Playing on no patches but it works
Just happy it’s the game and not the console
Please comment if anyone has any luck with ps5
exactly this is happening to me with my 16” Macbook Pro running Bootcamp… can’t fixit yet
fresh windows 10 installation, latest driver NVIDIA, latest Mainboard Chipset Drivers, totally new installed Cyberpunk 2077 (GOG – overlay disabled), XMP profile in Bios disabled (no overclocking at all). Guess what? It keeps crashing. 970GTX, I5-4670k, 16gb DDR3
Thanks for telling me that this doesn't work on console
Damn it, when I search for the crash scene, I wanted it for meme videos. Not how to fix it. I can’t even play it with my windows 7 hp pavilion elite desktop.
laber so viel scheisse
With me if you leave the loading screen on where it says press space bar or b button on controller to continue after it loads but stays on the screen that's the only time I've had a crash