Cyberpunk 2077 Console Settings Options December 9, 2020 by George Vanous Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more about Cyberpunk 2077➜ Here are the console settings for Cyberpunk 2077. source
Can someone please let me know if there are different controller layout options like in cod, halo and other fps other than default layout? I play legacy layout and many fps games do not include this option. Reply
Im having trouble with my ads sense. Its so fast I can't control it
Just have 3 languages?
in Crosshair is and that annoying little dot ?
Can you do controller sens settings, the default sense settings are ass
Was really hopping to see FOV slider on console smh
Anyone else experience input delay/stick drift as soon as the menu came up 😂
I was hoping for keyboard and mouse on console
Games graphics are so trash on the original ps4
Can someone please let me know if there are different controller layout options like in cod, halo and other fps other than default layout? I play legacy layout and many fps games do not include this option.
They needa add a ads sensitivity instead of it being all one thing
Why would you even leave film grain and motion blur on
Will this work with a ps5 controller
Graphics are so bad
You're setting show you clearly don't know shit about the game 😏