Cyberpunk 2077 Clearly how to not build a bridge

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48 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 Clearly how to not build a bridge”

  1. Just found out some signs are interactive…
    Just did the gig: troublesome neighbors with one of my new characters,
    And right outside the arcade there, there is a little standie sign that says "greaser" on it. But when I passed by it, I noticed a prompt that said, "next". So I press it and it changed the sign.. pretty neat.. thought I'd share. 🤷‍♂️

  2. Isn't that one bridge from Watson to Japantown. I've only driven it down one or two times, but the way the ramps go down and the textures are, I was always like, … wait those don't feel like they were really planned here.
    Guess I was right? xD
    But is that a glitch?.?

  3. This is the Watson bridge from 2023 if u do the mission for the voodoo boys where you relive Johnny’s past about Alt, you’ll go to the Atlantis club and if you go to the second floor where rogue is look at the window it’s the same bridge but I guess in 2077 they had to rebuild it differently for some reason

  4. Lmao if you do something to break the game well its gonna get broken 🤣
    However yes its buggy to hell and back and yet still finding stuff that not immersive and or just not working like when crawling out of the dump after getting shot by DeX all the junknisnlike rapping you while you crawl nor just floats plus the fact of glitching cyber optics which is in game but howevernrealisticly building wouldn't flicker or disappear as there actual building and not simulated dust and other features as AI visual people or light and other things but not building and whole environment changes like I would expect colours getting distorted or some other minor visual glitches that are simply realistic like yugioh popingnoutta now where challenging you to duel or some fat naked dude screaming there gonna get ya while swinging his dong around and then vanishing like dust particles and something reappearing scary as hell in front of your face and wont move till you realize it's just visual there and not really and push threw it and same as when fighting the biker guys with takemaru some of them should have clown and demon faces and other shit as your glitching and coming back from death basically any my rants over lol hope CDPR sees this or a Modder who actually cares and has some mad skills to made mods for multiple platforms…


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