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Cyberpunk 2077 – Beat On The Brat Kabuki – How To Fight Win Easy
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Yea I die instantly.. and they have to take over 25 or more punches to take down is this easy mode?
Shit guide, shit mission, shit load times from not wanting to waste my eddies
It's their kick on hard mode which is entirely unfair (which they didn't use in the poster's easy mode video) … when they kick, you have to dodge, or it hits you, damages you, breaks your block & staggers you; it doesn't matter if they "miss", their kick can't miss unless you dodge. Oh well, will have to come back at higher level. Kind of enjoy the fighting, just wish they didn't have a cheesy move as though the 2v1 advantage wasn't enough.
This is the worst tutorial. Played on hard and I managed to cheese this fight with 3 body by skirting on the corner of the arena. I would back up to the edge where they would just taunt me while I replenished my stamina. Step in a couple steps and let them charge you then throw a hook or 1-2 combo then back out to the edge again and replenish your stamina. Rinse and repeat–you should be done in about 3-5 minutes depending on how lucky your shots are.
heres a real tutorial
1. invest in the body stat. I went with 9 body, a perk in true grit, regeneration, steel and chrome, and 2 in invincible and all that got me through the fight on hard mode.
2. Have high armor. I did it with 209 armor, 252 health and 129 stamina at level 11. Its okay if you wait later to do this mission.
3. Be good at the game. This means stamina and health management, well timed counters, and basic maneuverability. Keep in mind these twins have a lot of reach in their attacks.
If you don’t want to do all of that, just go on easy mode. It’s seriously okay if one obviously unbalanced fight is too much for you. You don’t need to prove anything.
I’m level 15 and I’m still getting my ass kicked on hard
Where do I go after this. Every guide is literally just the twins. I beat them easily but nothing after that. Where do I go?
Did they just die in 1-2 punches for anyone else? I mean I had body 8 but I'm only lv 5 and the fight was over like instantly, kinda seemed like a bug…
(Normal mode)
this doesn't help they 3 pop me and im lvl 20
Finally managed to do it on hard mode! Make sure you circle whenever they charge you by using dodge AND block at the same time. Eventough you dodge them, these bastard have a ridiculous reach so thats why you use block at the same time. The circling will give you the rest moments for stamina that you will need, you will get it occationally by staying as far as possible from them. Once you have taken out one of them the other one is easy, using the strategy mentioned above. Good luck!
Bruh all these people dude im on VERY HARD THIS SHIT IS FUCKED 3 hits
You make it look so easy…
We ps4 gameplay lmao trash ass gameplay
i lost 20k on this.
The easiest way to beat em on hardest mode is to get gorilla arms to deal some serious damage since normal punches don't do much and they take your health down like it was nothing. Even on hard mode they take your health down but atleast you have the chance to take theirs as well. The Gorilla arms upgrade means you dont need to level up body or get other hand damage perks, just enough cash to upgrade the arms/fists.
Are you playing on pussi mode or what? wtf you are just rampage fisting them. They have me on 3 shots
Wouldn't normally say something like this, but you should consider deleting this fucking pointless video.
That's easy mode all day
i came back way later with 400hp and almost 600 armor still got my ass beat apparently this quest is only possible if u waste all ur perk points on specing into blunt melee
Fuck this im not doing these mission.
this is so stupid and impossible
fuck this game
Idiot -1. Why show the way when you are running at full speed. Useless.
ok, so just put it on an easier mode, build into street brawler and just wantonly attack them with no strategy or skill? got it.
I guess I'm being unrealistic going into this at level 2 on Very hard with my points into stealth and hacking haha.
This is actually really easy. Just remember to block. Once they are done wailing on you, throw in a strong punch. Rinse and repeat.
I lost thousand €$ and I don't deal any damage 😀 I will stick to main story
Hi. I have a question. Do you have to have money to take part in the fights or can you take part in the fights and w in the money?
i can't seem to win because they can hit me even when I am way out of their range. Is this a bug?
The footage of this fight in the trailer is why I didnt buy the game. They talk and talk about having two bodies and one mind and then they wait to take you on one at a time in the fight. At that point I knew they had molyneuxed it.