Cyberpunk 2077 | An Eternal Rest | Synthwave Music

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Cyberpunk 2077 | An Eternal Rest | Synthwave Music

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• Captivating art and animations created by me: NightCityGirls •

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8 thoughts on “Cyberpunk 2077 | An Eternal Rest | Synthwave Music”

  1. +/ Night City Stories +/ Chapter 62, Part 2 – Displeased to Meet You

    "You may have heard of him… although i'd guess not. His name is Edger." The avatar says in a dead, distorted tone.

    This causes Netty's heart to sink as he gasps with his eyes wide open. He takes a few steps back from the avatar while looking directly at it.

    "Impossible…" He says under his breath as the avatar finally turns to face him.

    "Sp-…. Spider Murphy..?" He says in an uneasy tone.

    The bright white neon glow of the avatar dissipates as her true person is revealed. She sported red, long braided, Rapunzel like hair with jet black round eye glasses. Her Night City street clothes were presented in a retro fashion that complimented her beautiful aging features. She wore a white trench coat with a high collar and short sleeves. Shorter than Netty, she approaches him face to face.

    Spider Murphy.. a legendary netrunner whom was closest to one of, if not the most well known netrunner of all time: Rache Bartmoss. Growing up, Netty idolized this woman. As his interest in running grew, so did his fascination with her particular reputation and exploits. Part of the reason behind Netty's principaled, non-destructive philosphy was due to the way she ran back in her day. Having read 'Guide To The Net' and 'Brainware Blowout' back to front countless times, Netty, as a result of his (to put it bluntly): Obsession with old school netrunning, is well aware of Spider's life and involvement with Rache Bartmoss from back in the day.

    "I do miss your father." Spider says in a sincere tone. "Had no idea you were his son when I saw you at the wall."

    "The Black wall. You were there during the datakrash. Weren't you?? When Bartmoss released the rabids program?" Netty says in a tone of disbelief and angst. Spider doesn't respond.

    "Heard its a crazier story than the public ever got to know… Deetes i found definitely suggest so." He says.

    "Wouldn't imagine that you'd be taking the time to dig into ancient history. That something you and your chooms liked to do in between data runs?"

    Netty looks away offended at the mention of his friends. His short tempered, impulsive nature gets the better of him as he responds.

    "You wanna bring up old obits? How bout this. Rache Bartmoss. Flatlined sometime during the 4th corpo war under YOUR watch. Crashed and splintered the net as a result." He says in a confronting tone.

    Spider pauses briefly as Netty's words cut deep. His surface level understanding of the subject gives her an agitated feeling but due to the numbed, jaded years of times passed, she hardly reacts.

    "Mm. You don't like him huh." She says in a flat tone. Interested in what this kid, so far removed from the events of back then could possibly have to say on a subject so significant and close to her personally. Netty continues.

    "Bartmoss was a Psycho. Regardless of his intent.. after he realized he was at a dead end with no way out. He got desperate.. emotional… sloppy. A just cause maybe. But completely moot when you realize-"

    "Was a different time kid." Spider says cutting him off. "Being a runner during a corpo war meant accepting truths few could bare."

    Netty checks his tone. "I figured he'd did it thinking it'd empower runners. Ended up doing the exact opposite. Splintered the net and took away OUR power. He left us open… vulnerable. Relegated to subnets controlled by some of the worst types of people you could imagine."

    Netty pauses briefly, thinking deeply and speaking in a serious tone. "I can't even begin to think how many… Some of the best runners that've ever lived got caught on the other side…Those were OUR fuckin' people… and for WHAT in the end!?" Netty shouts causing Spider to close her eyes tight and look away in discomfort being confronted on some of the very thoughts she struggles to face herself. Netty pauses as Spider slowly turns to walk away and face the sunset. She speaks.

    "Wise beyond your years i see." She says in a flat tone as Netty struggles to maintain focus while in the presence of his idol.

    "Listen, I hate to ask, but.. these are pretty uncertain times for me these days and trust can be pretty waning. Can uh.. He clears his throat can… can you show me?"

    Netty's eyes begin to flicker blue as Spider looks over at him and does the same. She shows him a private key signature.. a signature that he is all too familiar with and never thought he'd see with his own eyes, confirming her identity.

    "Holy shit!" Netty shouts with his eyes wide open as he exhales and takes a step back. "I-…. I wasn't even sure if you were still alive. Is it true you were in strike team Beta with THE Morgan Blackhand?? The Saka tower raid?? I even heard you're the one who zeroed Kei Arasa-"

    "Keep digging kid. The black & whites of history often turn out to be grey."

    "I've…. i've always wanted to meet you. Hard to be believe this is actually happening. I have so many questions that I-"

    "Your father was one of the most consistent, disciplined men that I ever knew. He changed so much… after he had his son…. you." Spider says causing Netty to look down and away. She continues.

    "We didn't really see or hear from him much after that. Rumor was he settled down and took a backseat. Doing freelance work for various major corps until…" Spider pauses with her mouth open and looks away from Netty. This catches his eye and raises his attention.

    "Until what?…" He asks. She doesn't respond.

    "Until What???" He asks again in a demanding tone. She pauses before changing subject and turning to face him.

    "The Black wall. What do you know. At least, what do you think you know about it."

    "Spider.." He says in a tired tone knowing shes witholding information about his father from him.

    "I need you to explain your involvement with it. I've got my own theories but-"

    "Too much to know… too much to understand." He says cutting her off.

    "You think you understand the Black Wall huh?"

    "I know its not just some immutable barrier put up by NetWatch.. i know that." Netty says matter of factly and voicing personal speculation he hasn't done in a long time. He continues.

    "Rogue have been findin' a way through one way or another… The fallout of some of the events that have occured are just insane. Some even say Netwatch has already completely lost their grip on it. .."

    "And what do you say?-"

    "I say who gives a fuck. Whether its NetWatch or Bartmoss' mom's ass. It doesn't matter. We were fucked long before that thing went up. Its too late now."

    Netty's words hit hard. Forcing spider to take a pause and see things in a way shes refused to for so long. He continues.

    "I mean.. you have to have known that yourself by now right?"

    Spider doesn't respond. Netty continues after a long pause.

    "That why you saw me at the wall that night? You there often? Tryin' to reconcile for your choom's mistakes of the past?"

    "Rache's mistakes were his own." She quickly responds sternly with heavy emotion in her voice. "What he did… what he caused to be created is serious. A relentless, rabid level of visciousness that shouldn't exist. The people and entities involved with the wall now are beyond even my level of understanding. I couldn't… there was only so much i could-"

    "Then why spider. Why are we here." Netty asks geniunely in a tired tone.

    "There are net structures that have long since been abandoned due to the 4th corpo war. Some responsible for keeping the old net alive… Places like this are why the Black Wall was even created."

    "Abandoned net structures..? What are you talking about?"

    "It'll be explained in time. For the time being, I need you to trust me. For now… i've gotta go. I'll be in touch." Spider says causing Netty to look at her with uncertainty and disbelief.

    "W-Wait!!" Netty shouts as Spider ignores him, disconnecting and vanishing from the communication domain.


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