Mother of Soulkiller, Goddess of the Net, the Singularity herself… I'm in love with Alt 😍 Note: In Cyberpunk 2013, you could save her by re-connecting her to the mainframe, even if it isn't cannon in the lore.
A real tragic character, we never really know what type of person Alt Cunningham is, only from interpretation from Johnny and what we can piece from 2077 and the tabletop. Playing cp77s story, her tragedy plays into what it means to be alive and human; Can't wait to see what they do with the expansions.
Sucks that Johnny and Alt didn't communicate more. This might have been avoided. What a mess.
I'm probably alone on this but in some way I wanted to like someone in the Arasaka group. Nope, they're all bad. Then again, I wanted to like Dex, the Voodoo Boys, or even some of the fixers. Most, if not all are bad.
I think the only ones that are true to V from start to end, without conditions, are Vik and Misty.
Have to say i really like Alt, at least when she was still human, not the soulless, character-less digital immitation. Really fits the stereotype of women i love, strong with personality, but not too bitchy either, just right in the middle, and respectful and loveful when it's deserved. It's a shame Johhny treated her like a cunt, she seems like the type for a good relationship, with some rough edges here and there, but good.
Alt's and Johnny's story aside, I suddenly feel that strong urge to punch Morgan Blackhand in the face. Repeatedly. And I sure hope I'll get to do so in the game at some point.
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that's funny since i have just finished writing comment for another pointless bethesda video on starfield
Mother of Soulkiller, Goddess of the Net, the Singularity herself… I'm in love with Alt 😍
Note: In Cyberpunk 2013, you could save her by re-connecting her to the mainframe, even if it isn't cannon in the lore.
Where do you get all these informations ? 2013 and Red ?
So she was still alive Johnny just unplugged her too early? Wonderful
A real tragic character, we never really know what type of person Alt Cunningham is, only from interpretation from Johnny and what we can piece from 2077 and the tabletop. Playing cp77s story, her tragedy plays into what it means to be alive and human; Can't wait to see what they do with the expansions.
Sucks that Johnny and Alt didn't communicate more. This might have been avoided. What a mess.
I'm probably alone on this but in some way I wanted to like someone in the Arasaka group. Nope, they're all bad. Then again, I wanted to like Dex, the Voodoo Boys, or even some of the fixers. Most, if not all are bad.
I think the only ones that are true to V from start to end, without conditions, are Vik and Misty.
Her grave at columbarium while I visit Jackie Welles during Barry side missions
Man, This made me miss the game so much 🥲
Have to say i really like Alt, at least when she was still human, not the soulless, character-less digital immitation. Really fits the stereotype of women i love, strong with personality, but not too bitchy either, just right in the middle, and respectful and loveful when it's deserved. It's a shame Johhny treated her like a cunt, she seems like the type for a good relationship, with some rough edges here and there, but good.
Amazing content as always! Thank you for this.
Alt's and Johnny's story aside, I suddenly feel that strong urge to punch Morgan Blackhand in the face. Repeatedly. And I sure hope I'll get to do so in the game at some point.