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Cyberpunk 2077 – Prologue: Nomad Lifepath (PS4 – Cyberpunk 2077 – 100% Complete Walkthrough / Playthrough / Gameplay – No Commentary)
In order to enter for a chance to win a PS4 copy of Cyberpunk 2077, please Subscribe to this channel and leave a comment on this video between 12/17 – 1/1 telling me which CD Projekt Red game is your favorite. One winner will be chosen to receive a free PS4 copy of Cyberpunk 2077 (with a free PS5 upgrade included). US residents only.
This Cyberpunk 2077 walkthrough covers the complete story on Normal difficulty, as well as Side Quests, collectibles, and more.
This walkthrough also covers the majority of the trophies/achievements that can be completed within the scope of the story, except those that require grinding a specific action outside of the story/collectibles.
Complete Playlist:
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Written Walkthrough:
Your character looks amazing how’s everything by the way I can’t wait to watch more of cyberpunk on your channel
Looks good so far. Have you experienced any glitches/bugs yet during your playthrough?
Oh, and as for my favorite CD Projekt Red game — The Witcher 2 😁
100%? This is going to take a long time man…
Auto play in the thumbnail hit me with the tiddies I was not ready
Perfect timing my last final is on Tuesday of the semester 😁
I love you’re videos! My fav of you play throughs so far has been control.
My fav CD Projekt Red game has got to be the first Witcher, I like the story in it.
I am your channel old Subscriber. Loved your video ever since then. My favourite CD Project Red Game would be The Witcher 1 and 2
what are you playing on?
how has the PS4 version been running for you? i am not hearing good things about it running on previous gen consoles.
Thanks For All The Hard Work You Do On These Walkthroughs.
Hi Krystal. I'm looking forward to watching this playthrough, although I've to finish Cyberpunk 2077 first myself. I also hope you'll bei doing a Demon's Soul walkthrough anytime in the future. As for your giveaway: it's a nice idea. My favorite CD Projekt Red game? Since I only played through The Witcher Enhanced Edition and am now playing through Cyberpunk, I don't have much to choose from but I'd say it's probaby Cyberpunk even through it's a little bit of a mess on Xbox One. But I'm a huge fan of the genre and CD Projekt Red nailed the storytelling and writing of the characters.
Keep up the amazing work! I found your channel back when you played Dishonored II, I was hooked then and have watched a ton of your walkthroughs! It takes a lot of work to do what you do, I appreciate you. My favorite CDPR game is actually the Witcher 2, though Wild Hunt is a close second.
Been waiting on u to play this forever yo